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It can't be...

The paramedics carried the patient inside the ambulance and they left, along with the crowd that formed earlier.

My stomach churned. Out of nowhere, I felt this overwhelming feeling consuming me whole. I walked over to a group of elderly women who were taking about the person that was carried inside. 

"Uh, excuse me," I said as I approached them "May I ask what happened earlier?" I asked. One of the elderly women with a pink hat spoke "Are you talking about the girl carried to the hospital?" I nodded slowly "Ah we are still shaken up after what happened"  another one with a blue hat said "Imagine hearing to loud gunshots ringing in your ears then seeing a person laying in the ground with blood covered all over her body" she said as one of them with an orange hat patted her back. 

"Perhaps, do you maybe know the name of the girl?" I asked. "Well, I think she said that her name was--what was it again?" the one with the the pink hat asked. "Ah! I think it was Y/N? DO you know her?" asked the woman with the orange hat.

My heart sank.

'It was Y/N?'

"Young man are you alright? You look pale" said the one with the blue hat. I looked up to her and asked "Do you know which hospital she was taken to?" the three of them nodded. "She was taken to ***"

"Thank you but I have to go" I said bowing quickly. I ran to my car and sped to the hospital.

'Hold on Y/N I'm coming'

I broke down and started crying when the thought of Y/N, the love of my life is alone, trying to fight for her life.

I reached for my phone and contacted Soobin. 

"Hello?" "Soobin," my voice broke "It's Y/N..." 

"What happened?" he asked I filled him up on what I know. The gunshots, Y/N lying in the ground with blood all over her and her being picked up by the ambulance. 

"We're coming over there" he said.

'Please YN, please be ok'

"I Promise"|| Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now