Goodbye my prince

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"Are you looking for your darling prince?" said a spiteful voice behind me. 


I turned around immediately. "Why are you here? Where's Yeonjun?!" she just chuckled. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my brow. She stopped chuckling and smirked at me evilly. "He'll come... Soon" she said nonchalantly as she started to walk around me, circling me.

"Why are you even here?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Do you know how hard I've worked this past week?" she asked, ignoring my question "I have spent the entire week by Yeonjun's side. And I am tired. He keeps on pushing me away; he says he loves you," she spat bitterly.

I smirked and chuckled "Well duh. Don't you know what love is? Love is something we have, something he has for me" I said. She looked at me annoyed and irritated. 

"I know" she said walking over to a bush and plucking out a rose. She looks at me then back to the flowers. She grinned like a crazy person at the rose in her hands 

"You know, a person is like a rose. It's beautiful, but it has thorns attached to it, preventing anyone to even touch it. And those thorns are the people that are in the way" she looks up to me and smiled at my like a crazy person. She takes a few petals off from the rose.

"Yeonjun is my rose. And you, Y/N, are the biggest thorn on him" she said snapping the rose into two. My stomach churned from her words. I want to say something but I guess you could say that the cat's got my tongue.

Areum clicked her tongue and stepped forward to me, leaning her head close to my ear. "So what do you do to thorns? You take them off, or in other words, get rid of them" she whispered. My eyes widened and I pushed her away from me, hard enough causing her to fall on her bottom.

"What the hell are you saying?! What the hell happened to you Areum?! You're insane!" I yelled. She got up and went up to me with her hand in the air as if se was going to hit me. Just as she was about to swing her arm, I grabbed it and kicked her at the stomach, she fell backwards and she was now laying on her back against the ground. 

She got up once more, but this time she didn't walk over to me. She stood in her place obviously angry. 

"You will regret this Kim Y/N. You will wish that you never got in my way. You will pay" she spat harshly. Meanwhile, me, Kim Y/N suddenly had a burst of confidence "Oh yeah? Make me" I said. 

She laughed crazily then looked at me dead serious. "Goodbye Y/N" she smiled evilly "And you most definitely will, " she said. She turned around and started to walk away "...with your life" she muttered but loud enough for me to hear. 

Just as I was speak, I hear a loud 'bang', followed by a sharp excruciating pain on my shoulder. My eyes widened. I looked over to my right shoulder and there was blood gushing out. The pain extended and reached every inch of my body. My legs trembled and I started to breathe heavily. Feeling too weak, I fell to my knees immediately. My vision started to blur and my head started to ache.

I was able to make out the figure of Areum looking over her shoulder, waving at me. She laughed then walked away. 

Just then, I felt another stinging pain in my chest. Then suddenly, everything went black. My body weakened more and I fell to the ground. 

I could hear the screams of the people around me.

"Call for an ambulance!"

"She's been shot!"

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