Letter part 2

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\\sorry for the late update. it's practical week in school and i am drowned with requirements given to me in every single subject in just a day.\\

\\anyways, here you are enjoy?:)\\

\\oh btw, this is a short chap and there will be a part 3 for this\\


I woke up expecting to have Y/N wrapped in my arms. But instead, I woke up to an empty bed.

'Maybe she's in the kitchen?' I thought. 

I got up and decided to not wear a shirt. I walked out to the kitchen and it was dead silent. It was really quiet. I looked around calling for Y/N but there was no trace of her. My shirt was still laying on the ground. And her blouse was not in the place I threw it to from last night and her bag was gone.

'Where is she?'

I decided to call her. I walked in my room and walked to my side table. But I saw an envelope with my name written on the back. Out of curiosity, I opened up the envelope and took out the letter inside it. I looked inside and it was clearly Y/N's neat hand writing. The paper was stained with dried tears. I hesitated for a second but I read it anyway. 

Dear Yeonjun,

How do I even begin?

Maybe I can start by telling you that I love you.

And I really do. I really love you, and with all my heart. You are everything to me. You mean even more than the world to me. The love and time that we spent together is absolutely priceless.

But I'm afraid that love isn't enough to keep us together.

I know you're wondering what I'm blabbering about. And I'll just be straight forward,

We can't be together. We're just not meant to be. We're not meant for one another in this life. Maybe in the next, but, we'll never know.

Fate keeps pulling us apart Yeonjun. No matter how much we long or love each other, our cries for each other will not be heard. Our situation might not make sense now, but, it will soon, or maybe never.

There is so much that I want to tell you my love, there are so many places that I wished to visit with you. So many days that I wish to be spent with you. So many hours that I wish to spend just in your arms. And surely I will miss you as much as every grain of sand in the world. 

I know that I told you repeatedly that life without you is just meaningless and absurd. It is. Life without you is nothing but emptiness and darkness.

Right now I am endlessly telling you how much I love you. But here I am in who knows where telling you through a letter that I am leaving you. 

I'm sorry for hurting you. And yes, I know that we had just got each back. But sometimes, sometimes people like us and relationships like ours were never meant to last anyways.

I'm breaking my promise my prince. And I'm sorry.

I probably won't be in the city after you've read this. Don't look for me my love. It's better that we remain apart.

And just know that I never regretted a single second that I have spent with you.

You were my sun, my light, my prince and my love.

I love you, Choi Yeonjun... And goodbye


Tears flowed out of my eyes as I read each and every word. My tears stained the letter almost drenching it with my tears.

'Was she really leaving me?'

'But why?'

'After everything we've been through. After everything she has been through'

'I need to find her'

I stood up from my bed and wiped my tears away. I got dressed and grabbed my phone and car keys. I dashed to the parking lot, endlessly trying to reach Y/N. Her phone rang but each time she declined my call. I got in my car and started driving to Y/N's place. 

I grabbed my phone again as it was a red light. I turned it one and I browsed my contact's list. My eyes landed to Y/N's name. It started to ring. It rang for about a minute then she picked up. My eyes widened when I saw that she picked up. 

"Y/N?! Y/N where are you?! What was the letter about?! Don't leave me Y/N! Please! I lo-" I was cut off by the call being ended. A billion thoughts swarmed my mind as the light turned green.

'What is happening?'

'Why is she leaving me?'

'Did she find someone else?'

My last thought made my head shake in denial. She wouldn't do that. Right?

I turned on my phone again and looked for Soobin's name in my contact list. I spotted his name and called him immediately. It rang for a few seconds then he picked up.

"Hey Yeonjun, what's up?" he asked seemingly calm "Where's Y/N?!" I asked as my voice was painted with worry. He must have sensed the urgency of my voice and asked "What do you mean where's Y/N? Wasn't she with you the entire night?" I sighed deeply. 

'He doesn't know does he?'

"Y/N left" I said "She left me. And now I don't know where she is" I turned left to Y/N's apartment building. Soobin was silent for a few seconds to probably register what I just said. "So you're saying that Y/N is gone and you have no idea where on earth she is?! Where are you now?" he asked with worry in his voice. 

"I'm on my way to your apartment" I said. "Alright I'm coming there. I'll call the guys. And Yeonjun, it will be ok. Don't worry. We'll find her" he reassured. His last words started to make my eyes tear. 'it will be ok' he said.

Then why don't I feel that way?

Why do I feel like the love of my life is completely slipping off of my fingers?

\\ok. ik. ik now that i am amazing at writing crappy break up letters\\

\\don't forget to vote!! tyyyy\\

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