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In the morning;

Y/n went to baji's grave with a flowers when she suddenly saw chifuyu crying infront of it (he visits him every morning)
She walked up to him and said "Chifuyu baji wouldn't like it if you always cry for him.. Do you wanna make his soul feel bad?"

"Your right y/n baji will be happy if we continued our life happily instead of crying about him everyday" Chifuyu replied whipping his tears
"How are you feeling ?" he continued

"LIKE I lost a huge part of my heart" y/n answered with a fake smile.

Suddenly mikey appeared behind them
"I knew you two would be here" he said

"Chifuyu bring y/n-san to our meeting tonight we have to discuss something important "he continued

"Sure" Chifuyu replied

"For what ?" Y/n asked to which mikey replied "you'll know tonight"

"Y/n, Mikey excuse me but I have to go now I have some stuff to do, now bye 👋" Chifuyu said before leaving the two of us alone.
"Hey manjiro, I know this is all of a sudden but can I join toman as part of the first division, I wanna continue my brother's path" y/n suddenly said cutting the silence between them

"I will think about it" he replied
"But wait how did you know my real name is manjiro, no one calls me by this name?!"

" I have my ways , from now one you have to get used to it MANJIRO" she stated grinning at him

"Let's go eat something and my treat as a sorry for what happened last time" mikey said

"Maybe next time I'll stay here for one more hour you can go you have already visited baji's grave multiple times I guess" she said while giving him a smile

Mikey could feel that she needed some alone time but he felt responsible for him since she's his bestfriends twin . He nodded as an OKAY and acted as if he's leaving but he hid in a nearby tree so she wouldn't see him.

When y/n thought mikey left she started crying and saying "sorry baji sorry I should have let you go with me before"

Mikey's eyes filled in sadness as he saw y/n crying and suffering alone after all she's his twin she's probably the most hurt one. Without thinking mikey rushed to her and hugged her.

Y/n was surprised as she thought he left but instead of stopping crying she started to cry on his shoulder as if she's more relieved she's not alone.

After a few minutes she stopped crying the mikey asked her "you can let go of my shoulder now" as he chuckled wanting to turn the mood to a happy one

"Oh yeah sorry " y/n said as she pulled away from him

"Now let's go eat I'm sure you haven't ate already and as I said before my treat and no denying this time" mikey said as y/n nodded in agreement
After they finished their food at the restaurant they decided to go on a walk

"Y/n!" Mikey said breaking the silence
"I've made my decision you'll be joining toman" he said

"Wait, really umm thank you I'll make sure to make u not regret this decision " y/n said in a happy tone.
"Shit I must go home now I haven't unpacked my things yet"

"I'll drive you home" mikey said
"Thank you manjiro" y/n responded

*As they were on their way their it suddenly started raining *

"Shit!!" Mikey thought

After 5minutes they arrived at y/n house

"Hey manjiro come in it's raining heavily here and your clothes are wet atleast wait till the raining stops" y/n said to mikey

Mikey wanted to hesitate but he thought  it's better to wait for the rain to stop so he nodded in agreement

Y/n opened the door and they both entered

"Thank you" Mikey said
" no need to. Just sit on the couch till I get you some clothes that I bought to baji before arriving to tokyo" she replied

Y/n handed mikey some clothes.
He wore them as he offered to help her unpack her things which weren't alot since she thought she'd stay for 2 weeks as usual

"How long will you stay here in Tokyo?" Mikey asked

"I was planning to stay for 2 weeks but things changed now so I decided that I will live here from now on " y/n replied

Mikey felt happy for an unknown reason.

Few hours later the rain stopped and it was already night , chifuyu was supposed to pick up y/n to the meeting place but since mikey's here she went with him.

Chapter ends here the next one will probably include (takemichi , mitsuya , chifuyu and draken) more

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now