Childhood bestfriend

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At yakuza's meeting place*

"Shoya I'm afraid I won't be a good president to them since I started this gang as a nothing to lose gang but now I have mikey and the rest of my friends.." y/n said to shoya ( the vice president )

"Dw y/n I'm sure they'll understand besides your still strong with or without mikey" shoya smiled at her

"Thank you shoya" she said

"For what?" He questioned

"For everything" she smiled back at him


"I have lots of work to do, from yakuza's members needs to mafia members hiding places and also her school stuff" y/n sighed

She was sitting at her desk in her mafia place that only shoya and other  members of the mafia know

"Can I come in" shoya knocked at the door

"Yeah shoya I was just about to call u" she replied

"What for?" Shoya asked as he entered the office

"This is half of the list that I wrote of yakuza's members needs that they urgently need so can you prepare these stuff" y/n asked him

"Yeah sure but first you need to look at this" shoya handed her a bunch of pics

In these pics their were draken and few toman members searching for something and some of them following few members yakuza

"What are they doing? What do they need?" Y/n asked shoya

"I got some details about what they want since some of our members told me immediately "he replied

"It looks like they are trying to find some details about us , like from where did we find our gang members" he added

"So what your trying to say that mikey didn't believe what I said and sent draken and his members to spy on us" y/n lowered her head

"I can't blame him though, I lied to him" she continued

"Y/n-chan it's not your fault for lying to him, you were just trying to protect him from getting involved in this" shoya tried to comfort her

Y/n then stood up and walked away

"Wait where are you going there's still alot of work we have to do" shoya tried to stop her

"I'll finish them at home, stay here shoya" she replied before walking away


Y/n called mikey on the phone *

"Mikey can come meet me at baji's grave after 1hour?" Y/n asked the other person on the phone

"Yeah sure babe" mikey replied

"Want me to brin-" he was cut off as y/n closed the phone after he replied

"Wait what just happened?" Mikey thought as he had no idea
*y/n took a taxi and drove to the prison*

She wanted to visit a person she never expected to see anymore but she thought its time to move on

"Y/n?!!" Kazutora was surprised by the person that is visiting

"Kazutora I never thought I would want to see you again after what happened with baji, but then on the other side baji didn't give up on you even when you stabed him" y/n said as Kazutora couldn't bear look her in the eyes

"You were the only member I know from toman back then,you were my bestfriend" she added

"Y/n I-i.." Kazutora's eyes were tearing

"I forgive you"y/n continued as he suddenly looked at her with disbelief

"I realised you were just a victim of kisaki's game , but dw I got rid of him and  I will always see you as my first childhood bestfriend" she reminded him

"Y/n...I'm so sorry for everything" kazutora started crying

I'm so sorry for everything" kazutora started crying

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Y/n waited for him to finish

"Kazutora their is another reason I came here.." she started telling him what is happening

"So you and mikey are together again, I couldn’t even process how you got together in the first place but I guess it's a small world" he laughed out

"Well yeah but their is something I can't tell him and he's getting suspicious  and I don't think he trust me" she sighed out

"Y/n I'm glad that u choose me to give you an advice on something I totally don't know but I think you should just tell him how you feel even if you don't wanna tell him the bad thing that you got yourself involved in, just confront him" he tried to assure her

"You think so?" She asked

"Totally" he replied

"Well I wish I could talk to you more but their's not much time left so I just wanna say thank you and ill come visit you from time to time" she said

"I'll be waiting for you" he smiled at her

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now