Megami y/n

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First, a big thank you for Hutaobestmaindps for the name(megami)

Chapter starts enjoy<3

'' I'm gonna kill you" kisaki said running towards izana and kakucho with a gun in his hand

Izana wanted to protect kakucho but he was still processing what's happening

Suddenly before kisaki could pull out the trigger , y/n punched him hard from behind causing him to lose his balance

She was now infront of him trying to get the gun away from his hand when suddenly a gun shoot sound was heard

They all looked at y/n

"Y/n!" Mikey ran towards her

Y/n and kisaki were on the floor but the gun was in y/n's hand

Mikey was now sitting beside y/n

"I'm okay mikey,but he isn't" y/n smirked as she looked at kisaki

But wait kisaki was not on the floor someone was taking him away, it was hanma running away with kisaki who was shoot in his hand

"Oh shit follow him shoya!" Y/n shouted to shoyq as she got up

"I'll follow them y/n-san!" Shoya replied as takemichi and draken also followed him

Y/n then walked towards izana and kakucho

"Are you two okay?" She  asked them

"Yes y/n and it's all thanks to you" izana smiled at her

"But y/n you could have been killed by him, ill make sure to kill kisaki when I find him" kakucho added

"Kakucho don't make such a big deal out of it" she rolled her eyes

Yakuza's members suddenly all cheered

"Megami y/n!"
"Megami y/n!!"

They were all shouting this at the same time

Mikey looked confused as to who's gang this is and then it hit him, he looked at y/n jacket and finally noticed y/n jacket

"Y/n your a gang leader!" He was surprised

"Yeah I am and this my gang yakuza, now lets go shoya and the others"she was about to leave when suddenly mikey called out to her

"Wait why did you help us?" Mikey asked her

"I did this for Emma...and also because I wanted to repay you for what you did when my brother died" she replied then walked away

*shoya send her the location and she instantly went their*

{Takemichi's pov}

draken was fighting hanma and takemichi was pointing the gun at kisaki

"I'm not gonna die and I'm gonna make hinata mine soon" kisaki was standing in the middle of the road

"I'm gonna kill you kisaki!"Takemichi shouted at him

Suddenly a truck hit kisaki all of a sudden

"Ahhh!!!" Kisaki screamed
" I can't move" he continued

Takemichi was shocked and draken and hanma turned their attention to the truck

"What happened?" Shoya asked takemichi before he saw kisaki who was filled with blood

"You can't die like that kisaki" hanma said under his breath

Mikey and izana suddenly arrived to that place since draken told them his location before and they saw kisaki about to die

"Takemitchy what happened?" Mikey shouted to takemichi

"That truck hit kisaki all of a sudden" takemichi pointed to the truck

Izana smiled. " Well I feel satisfied now" he said smirking

"Wait!" Shoya shouted gaining all of their attention

"Y/n where is she, she told me she's going to be here 30mins ago??" Shoya asked them in a worried voice

"NO she can't-" mikey didn't complete his words as he suddenly ran towards  the truck

Y/n was the one driving that truck and now mikey saw her,her head was bleeding and she was still stuck in the truck not moving or saying anything

"Y/n! Y/n!" Mikey shouted to her

Y/n was feeling dissy as she said in a low voice "I did it...I killed kisaki and got baji and Emma's pay back" then she lost conscious

Mikey jumped to the truck and tried pulling y/n out but she was stuck

Shoya suddenly appeared behind him with a metal stick in his hand

"Here this will help" shoya gave it to mikey as he slowly pulled y/n out

Mikey held y/n and ran towards draken and takemichi

Takemichi and draken was shocked when they saw unconscious y/n on mikey's hands

"Mikey put her here until the ambulance arrive" draken said to mikey as he did what he said

As takemichi was shouting out her name, she suddenly woke up

"Takemichi my ears are hurting from you" y/n suddenly said as they all were surprised that she woke up that quickly

"Y/n y-your awake" mikey said feeling relieved as he suddenly hugged her

Y/n was so shocked and embarrassed by this sudden hug afterall things are awkward between them

Y/n pulled him away and walked without saying a word towards kisaki

Mikey was shocked and sad that she didn't hug him back but their is more important thing going on now , y/n was heading towards kisaki!

Kisaki was still alive but it seems he doesn't have alot of minutes to live

"I told you I'm the one who's gonna kill you" she smirked at him

Kisaki coughed some blood before he passed away

"Let's go shoya" y/n said trying not to lose conscious

"Y/n the ambulance is on its way let's go to the hospital" shoya said in a worried voice

"I'm fine I'll not die" she laughed at him before sitting at the back of his motorbike

"Now let's go" she added

"Y/n wait! Don't you think you and mikey should talk" draken said to her

"About what draken,I may have helped you but I didn't forgive you" she replied

Draken now was annoyed with her now

"Y/n why are being rude!" Draken shouted at her

"Rude huh?you think me saying the truth is rude" she replied

"Stop it you two, y/n can't you see your still bleeding" mikey tried to stop them

"NO mikey im done with draken always standing at yours side as if your always right, well guess what Emma died without knowing you loved her becauseyou put all of your attention to mikey" she said in  a harsh voice

Draken was now red with anger .

"So you wanna play it that way well fine, how about next week toman vs yakuza?!" He asked not wanting to know her answer

"Fine!" She replied as she then walked pass him and left with shoya

"What do you think your doing" mikey shouted at draken

"Mikey whether you like it or not were fighting y/n's gang, can't you see she got too far" draken replied

"Ken-chin we don't fight girls" he reminded him

"I know I'm not gonna fight her ill just fight some guy members from her gang" draken said

" this is not gonna happen" mikey thought as he smirked at draken without saying another word

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