one last time

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GUYSSS😭😭 I'm sorry you had to wait this long but I was so busy with school stuff

But I'll make sure to be active more
And reminder that this story will end soon and I'm trying to finish it as fast as I can since I don't really have anything in mind

Ok let's start



"Goddammit say it for once mikey, say that you need my help and I'll definitely help you" takemichi said as he tried to pull mikey up

(Mikey jump from the roof but takemichi who was shootin before by mikey held his wrist)

Mikey teared up
"Help me takemichi and save y/n"


"I'm back to the past" takemichi teared up in realization


"So I travelled to the past but this time it wasn't with noato it was with mikey so that's why it's 10 years ago not 12" takemichi thought while he walked up to his friend's who were now high-schoolers

After toman was disbanded 2 years ago, 3 gangs have been the top

Yakuza, kanto manji gang and bratva

During those 2 years alot of members have gotten jobs and are concentrating on there dreams...oh and pah-chin has gotten out of jail a while ago

What is Takemichi's goal now you may ask: save izana so that bonten and bratva wouldn't go that far and  get y/n and shoya to be friends again or atleast make this hatred between them stop

Takemichi's pov

"I will join bratva and start solving the problem between shoya and y/n" I told draken

"I understand takemichi and I'll do what I can to help you" draken replied
"Join me draken" shoya told draken

Takemichi and draken got out of the motorcycle

Suddenly a sound of a motorcycle was heard approaching them

Draken grinned "you see shoya I can't join you since I already joined bratva"

"Bratva! Isn't that y/n's gang in the future,she must be the leader then" takemichi thought

A masked person got out of the car, they were the leader of bratva

"Takemichi join us too" the leader of bratva offered

Takemichi was surprised at this sudden action, but its better then joining yakuza afterall
"Hai" he manged to reply

"Hey you!!" Shoya called bratva's leader or let's just say y/n that he still doesn't now is the leader

Y/n turned to him

"You probably heard of the 3 gangs war in 2 weeks, you better come since I will show you your place and end you" he said to her

She didn't respond and just left with draken and takemichi following her with there motorbikes

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