2 birds

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Mikey arrived at baji's grave

"Where's y/n I thought she said meet me after an hour?" He thought

5mins later

Y/n arrived back

"Mikey" y/n said in a lower voice heading towards him

"Y/n!!" He ran and hugged her

She faked smiled at him
"I know I told you to meet me here but can we go to another place" she asked

"Yeah sure" he muttered out

*they went to one of the empty buildings roof *

"What did you want to talk to me about?" He asked breaking the silence

"Mikey ever since I lost baji, a huge part inside of me was empty...but you- you were the one to fill it up..So when I lose you I lose control , I do bad things-" she said

"Y/n your also an important person to me,you make me feel special...I love you" he smiled at her

"Mikey do I look like a fool to you?" She asked looking into his eyes

"What- totally not why would you say that" he replied

"Well I never saw you as a dumb person before even if you act childish sometimes I knew you know everything...But-- why didn't you ask me before?" She said lowering her head

Mikey realised what she was talking about and didn't say anything

"Sending draken and few other members to spy on my members, was it necessary?! Maybe maybe you don't trust me again" she mumbled out

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"Sending draken and few other members to spy on my members, was it necessary?! Maybe maybe you don't trust me again" she mumbled out

Mikey immediately shouted "NO!" But she didn't let him continue

"I know it's all my fault I'm the one who lied to you... I didn't want to Envolve you in this-- I'm sorry" her eyes started to tear up

"Envolve me in what?" He asked as he then tried to wip her tears

Y/n took a breath and said " mikey I got myself into bad things and I can't get out of it that easily I also can't tell you what is it" she replied as she covered her eyes with her hand

"I'm tired" she fell into his shoulders

"Y/n ill help you get out of this I promise, I'm sorry I let you feel that I don't trust which is totally not true. If you have alot to handle we can handle it together" he tried to assure her


As the cold wind touched their skin mikey put his jacket around y/n who was now sleeping in his arms


Mikey arrived to his house, opened the door and put sleepy y/n in his bed

Mikey then sat on the sofa next to his bed

"I never understood her feelings, how could I call myself her boyfriend" he thought

Few minutes later Mikey was also asleep in his couch


Next morning

Y/n woke up early and saw herself in mikey's bedroom with mikey still sleeping on the couch

"What did I do, he must have felt that he's a bad boyfriend because of me" she thought while getting up from the bed

Y/n then walked to the kitchen and starting preparing breakfast

(Mikey's grandpa was away ever since Emma died and mikey now lived alone)

Mikey woke up to the smell of delicious food

"Mmm what's that's delicious smell" he thought as he got out of his room

He reached the kitchen door and saw that the breakfast was already done

He sat on the chair and saw a note on the table

(The note)
Sorry I had to leave early for school but here's your breakfast as a thank you for being the best boyfriend ever!
Love you<3                                     y/n ♡

Although mikey left school before he learned enough to read so he understood what was written in it

He smiled at that note and started eating

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