not manjiro anymore huh?

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*The next morning*

Y/n was getting ready to meet tenjiku's leader

"Y/n-san I think you should wear a hoodie under this dress , you don't to be recognised do you?" Shoya said when y/n showed him what she would wear

"Ugh fine" she replied


*when she arrived their*

"I wonder where he is" y/n thought searching for him

Suddenly a male voice approached her from behind.

"Hello y/n" the male voice said

Y/n recognised this voice immediately as she turned to face him.

"Izana! What are you doing here?!" Y/n shouted as soon as she saw him

"I should ask you the same thing weren't you supposed to be in New York " izana asked teasingly

"Well yeah but it's a long story ,I'm waiting for someone now and I don't think it's a good idea for you to see him"she said

"I'm here y/n" he replied smiling at her

"Wait- you can't be a-are you" she was cut off by him

"Tenjiku's leader" he continued

"Wait you can't be-" she finally realized

"Since you now know your probably wondering why I wanted to see you" izana said while they walked

"Duh but izana you were my childhood bestfriend but you suddenly left without saying a word ,why did you leave and why do you wanna see me" she asked

Izana stopped as he held her hand and said in a serious tone "y/n I'm sorry I left before its just that my older brother died and I couldn't talk to anyone.. well except kakucho"

Y/n felt sad hearing that " I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a brother but I can understand you since...I lost my brother not too long ago " y/n said patting his shoulder

"I'm sorry for you too y/n" izana replied as he suddenly hugged y/n

Y/n didn't pull away immediately since she missed him

1 min later

Y/n pulled away. "I left my bag on my car I'll go get it okay, wait here for me" she said as she went to her car which was nearby

Izana smiled at her as he thought "Ugh y/n my childhood bestfriend, I'm gonna make you my girlfriend one day"

{Mikey's pov}

"Mikey are we going to wait for that girl to leave so we could punch him" Draken asked mikey while they were hiding nearby

"Ken-chin I'm the only one whose gonna punch him , you know I don't like 2 vs 1 right and yes we will wait for this girl to leave so stay quite" mikey replied in a low voice

"Oh come on they are hugging now It feels like we're spying on a couple" draken then whispered to mikey after seeing the leader of tenjiku and a girl hug

"Ken-chin!" Mikey was about to shout at him when he saw the girl leaving

"Their she left finally now you wait here and I'll kick that guy" mikey added walking towards izana

Izana felt someone coming near him so he thought it was y/n coming back

Mikey raised his leg about to kick izana who was looking at the ground for some reason when suddenly..

Y/n stopped Mikey's foot from getting near izana's face

Mikey looked shocked but more shocked when he saw who stopped him

"Y/n!" Mikey shouted as soon as he saw her

Izana also was shocked at Mikey's appearance and y/n protecting him

Y/n knew the only person who kick that hard was mikey so she was nervous to see him again since last time she saw him everything fell out of place.

Her hand was hurting but she didn't try to show it as seeing him hurt her more

"Mikey huh"  y/n said lowering her head not wanting to face him

Mikey was still shocked but he gathered himself and asked her. "Y/n what are you doing here weren't you supposed to be in Newyork and why are you with him!!"

"I knew you would come" Izana smirked at him

"And who do you think you are?!!" Mikey looked at him with angry eyes

"Stop it!!" Y/n suddenly shouted at him

The two of them looked at her immediately

"Mikey y-you you broke up with me and ditched me infront of everyone so that's non of your business anymore, and izana you knew mikey was going to be here and you asked me to come even tho you knew I don't wanna see him... i-i can't believe you" y/n said as she walked away straight to her car

"Y/n wait I didn't mean that " izana shouted trying to follow her

"Y/n really can't bear to see me anymore huh?...she even calls me mikey not manjiro anymore" mikey said in a low voice

Y/n drove away as fast as she could , she was driving so fast that izana couldn’t follow her.

"Mikey!" Takemichi said approaching mikey who was still in his place

"Mikey im sorry I didn't do anything it just that we were all shocked that we couldn't move" draken said running towards mikey

"It doesn't matter...y/n hates me now and she has every right to" mikey replied still lowering his head

"M-mikey-kun" takemichi said in a low voice knowing that mikey was so hurt.

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