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My eyes were slowly opening

I was lying on a white bed and my vision was blurry


I turned around me and no one was there

I pressed a button and soon a nurse had arrived

"Mrs.Y/n you are finally awake!" She said in a surprised voice

"Wait here I'm gonna go find the doctor" she then rushed outside

Few minutes later the doctor had arrived after examining me he called for someone to inform him that I'm awake

It might chifuyu right? I mean he is the closest friend one to me


Even after I woke up I still felt tired and just closed my eyes, not actually sleeping

15mins later someone barged into my hospital room and immediately sat beside me

I opened my eyes just to see mikey infront of me

"Mikey?what are you doing here?" I asked

He smiled at me "checking up on u silly"

Just seeing his smile warmed my heart, finally he's moving out of his darkness that was surrounding him

We stayed silent for a minute

"How long has I been here?" I asked him

"2 months " he replied

"2 months!! I must've missed my flight" I mumbled out

"Y/n... you don't have to distance yourself from us, we all want you with us" mikey said to me

"As much as I'd like to, I can't, I need some time out of this country to figure out my life" I replied

He looked disappointed but just gave me a smile "do whatever you feel is best for you"

"I...must go now since the others are waiting for their turn to see you" mikey got up and slowly walked towards the door

"Wait mikey" he turned his head to me

"Friends?" I extend my hand for him to shake it

He laughed and walked towards me but instead of shaking my hand he hugged me

"Yeah ofc" he gave his warm smile again then he left

The rest of the day was just based of people visiting me

At around 6pm chifuyu came to visit me one more time

"So what are you gonna do after you leave the hospital?" Chifuyu asked me

I sighed "I guess I'm gonna travel back to NY since I already fixed what needed to be fixed" I replied

"But y/n you still didn't achieve what you want, and how long are you planning on staying their?" He asked me again

"Well I don't know maybe a couple of years"


"But ofcourse I'll come to visit from time to time"

Chifuyu wasn't happy with my answer, but stayed silent

He got up

"I'm gonna leave now, it's getting a little late" he started walking towards the door

"Goodbye chifuyu" I waved a goodbye at him

He just laughed it off "I don't know what I'm going to do with you dumpie"

We doth laughed and then he left

I stayed there laying on the bed thinking if I am making the right decision or not

Honestly I was too tired to think about that too much so I just went to sleep


A week later I was discharge from the hospital and got back to my apartment

I was packing my bags, when I found mikey's hoodie with my clothes

I thought for a while

Do I really want to travel? Will me and mikey still be atleast friends even if we're in a different countries?

I brushed those thoughts off my mind and put the hoodie in my bag and left my house

Here I am an hour later at the airport saying my goodbyes to my friends

"Come to visit us from time to time, ok?" Draken told me

"Yeah ofcourse I will" I replied as we(draken chifuyu mitsuya)all hugged

"Goodbye guys" I waved at them as I walked away and they waved back

I was hoping I would see mikey one last time but I guess I will wait till I visit Japan again

As I was walking away someone yelled out for me

"Y/N!" mikey ran towards me


He took a breath "sorry I'm late but I wanted to give this to you"he handed me a bracelet

It matched his

He scratched his head "its a..friendship bracelet so you wouldn't forget me" he looked down

I hugged him "Goodbye mikey and thank you for the bracelet I really appreciate it "

He hugged me back and then we parted away and I walked away to go to my flight


I got on the plane and it started flying to Newyork

Goodbye Japan...

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now