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"Y/n why did you leave 12 years ago?"Mikey asked me

I was stunned by his question, deep inside I knew mikey did nothing wrong in the past, I knew he didn't betray me and he didn't say anything about me to the police 12 years ago, but I had other reason to leave back then

"I- don't have to know why" I replied wanting to leave this party

Mikey suddenly looked mad, y/n was slowly walking away when he suddenly grabbed her wrist


I could feel the pain in his voice, he doesn't wanna admit that he was worried about you but that was clear

My heart was beating so fast and I was holding back my tears as I didn't like to cry around people

"I..i..." I couldn't mutter out a word when suddenly luca shouted to me

"Y/N!! Lisa she's..." luca shouted to me but couldn't continue his words

I looked behind me and saw lisa lying on the floor unconscious

I snatched my hand from mikey and rushed to her

"Lisa!! Lisa!" I tried to make her wake up but no answer

"Should I call the ambulance?" Someone asked

"NO!!" Mikey shouted at him

Suddenly mikey came towards us and held Lisa

"We have a doctor up here I'll take her" he said to me and went up to the 5th floor where the doctor was as I followed him

After that the doctor began his work and we waited outside the room.
My hands were shaking as I wondered why he's taking so long

Mikey noticed this and put his hand on mine stopping it from shaking

"Your daughter..Is she ill?" Mikey asked me

I lowerd my head "Yeah she is.." tears started rolling down my face
"She is really sick that the only people she knows are me and her doctor" *sobs*

Mikey wanted to say something to comfort me when suddenly the doctor opened the door

I quickly stood up and went to him

"How is she?!" I quickly asked

"Are you the mother?" The doctor asked

"Yeah I am" I replied

"Your daughter is alright...for now.. can you sit down alittle since I have something to tell you miss" he said

I went back to my seat but I still was confused, what did he want to tell me?

The doctor sat on a chair beside me and mikey and cleared his throat


"Y/n, her name is y/n" mikey said to him

"Miss y/n your daughter is now sleeping and will be awake soon but although she's fine now her condition will get worse and I suggest you begin with her surgery as soon as possible....." the doctor continued to talk about the surgery

"The only donors in this surgery can be the mother, father and siblings so if yours  dont match we  an donate from the father and if his doesn't the last choice will be the sibling" the doctor finally finished

Y/n's eyes were wide open with this and she couldn't even open her mouth to utter a word

Mikey and the doctor noticed this

"Y/n why don't you start with the operations " mikey suggested

"I can't, I already know I can't be a donor to her" I was crying as I suddenly that

"What about her father?" He suggested again

"He...he's gone"

"Y/n are you sure you can't be a donor? I mean we could run some tests to see" the doctor said to me

I took a breath "I know I can't because...I'm not her real mom I'm her adoptive one , her father was an important friend to me and her biological mother left her 10 years ago on her fathers doorstep on a basket when she was born but at that time he was dead but I happened to be their and I took her with me"

"I tried searching for her real mother so she could be a donor but I couldn't find her" I added

Mikey was surprised by this

"So y/n didn't date anyone after me"mikey thought but quickly brushed those thoughts off since their is something more important now

"I'm sorry miss y/n but all we could do as doctors is let her live under the machines from now on" the doctor said

Y/n ran to the bathroom to cry then to wipe her tears since she didn't want her daughter or adoptive daughter to see her crying

After a few minutes she came out and went to the room with talking to any of the doctor and mikey

"How do you feel sweetheart?"I tried to sound normal infront of her

"I'm good mom, actually I'm so thankful you brought me to this party, finally I got to know new people" she said in an excited voice

I smiled at her, suddenly mikey entered

"Hey Lisa I'm a...friend of your mother, I'm glad your okay and if you need anything just tell me and ill send someone to bring it to you" mikey said

"Why am I acting like that? Normally I wouldn't really care, is it because she's y/ no no I have to remember that she left me without saying anything" mikey thought

"Thank you sir" Lisa replied to him

"Lisa let's go to our house now, you need to rest their" I told her

"Y/n you two could stay here, we're working together remember and besides we own this place so there are bodyguards everywhere and the doctor is here" mikey tried to stop me

I wanted to hesitate at first but then I looked at Lisa
"Fine but just for this night and thank you mikey"

Mikey gave her a small smile and then walked away

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now