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Mikey's pov

Sanzu walked up to me

"We still haven't found out who is bratva's leader" sanzu said immediately

"2 weeks" I replied, sanzu looked confused

''After 2 weeks if we didn't find out who is he the war will start" I announced

"But how are you so sure about that boss?" He questioned

"You should know, since your the one who's going to gather yakuza and bratva at a certain place and then we'll come" I replied

"Ohh okay boss" sanzu said but he seems like he doesn't have any Idea on what to do


2 years ago

"Shoya y-you were behind this?!" Y/n said in disbelief

"Yess y/n you don't realize how much mikey is affecting you, I needed to let you break up with him" I replied

"I knew mikey didn't do it but I never thought you would betray me like that" she said

" y/n that doesn't matter now what matter is that your....your father is back and he will be by your side as you lead yakuza'' I announced

I felt like those words struck her like a bullet

"W-what? B-but he's dead how can he"before she could continue her father entered the room

Y/n felt like her world crashed into prices as she saw the man she hated the most

The man who abused her and her twin, the man who used her mother and was the reason she lived most of her life in New York.

"My darling y/n I missed you" he was about to hug her when she stepped back

"You, you.. get away from me I hate you" she said

"Y/n calm down I came here just to help you leed this gang of yours that is mostly mine" he reminded her

"I don't need your help!! Shoya let's go" she took my hand but I didn't move

She looked at me in confusion

"Y/n...Mr L/n is my real boss I can't go with you, I knew he was alive, I was just training you so you could lead the mafia gang in the future" my words stroke her

"I faked my death because other gangs that are our enemies started to recognise me, y/n I want you to lead my gang so stay here" her father said

"I will never join you!!" She left the place

End of flashback


"Draken, how come you found y/n when nobody else could?" Takemichi whispered to draken while looking at y/n

"Well I wasn't the one, she actually told chifuyu where she was since she didn't wanna lose him as her brother figure and so he then explained everything to me to let me join her gang"

"Ofc at first I was angry because she left us without saying a word but then when I met up with her in secret she explained everything to me and all my anger faded the moment I heard her story her dad" draken replied

"But why did she tell just chifuyu and not also you first? Didn't she also view you as her brother?" Takemichi asked as draken punched him (not so hard just a silly punch)

"You dummy, did you forget how angry I  was at her because she left mikey all alone and made him go crazy" he replied  

Takemichi chuckled "Oh yeah..sorry"

Suddenly y/n walked up to takemichi and draken

"Draken, takemichi, I've made a huge mistake back then when I left Mikey, I was tricked into thinking mikey had betrayed me but turned out the real traitor is shoya" she said to them

"I'm sorry to drag you into this, but can you please help me pull mikey out of his dark impulse *little tears* it all happened because of me" she added as she wiped her tears

Takemichi hugged her

"Don't worry y/n-chan we will help you and we'll get mikey back" takemichi tried to comfort her

"Yeah let's win this war together"draken joined the hug

"Yeah yeah that enough" y/n pulled our after a few minutes

"Now we gotta start training because yakuza and kanto manji members aren't weak" her expression turned into serious

Takemichi let out a few laughs
"Huh I can't even rest for a day" he cried inside

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now