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The next day

Emma was calling y/n

"Y/n h-how are you I heard your still in tokyo" Emma said as soon as y/n picked up

"I'm fine emma" y/n sighed

'' y/n are you mad at me too?" Emma asked her

"NO no no you haven't done anything wrong to me Emma it's just that I didn't sleep well last night " y/n quickly replied

"Oh well I wanted to ask you if we could meet at a cafe- but since you are tired we can go later" Emma said

"Oh no that's okay I'll go meet you then,how about our normal cafe? I'll be their in 30mins " y/n asked

"OK then great ill go get ready bye" Emma closed the call


At the cafe

Y/n arrived and saw Emma waiting for her

"Did you wait long" y/n asked as she sat next to Emma

"Oh no I just arrived too" Emma assured her

(They ordered a drink and a small cake for y/n)

" y/n over the past two weeks you have been so distant from us, ik mikey was the reason but we missed you" Emma said breaking the silence

"Emma I didn't mean too It's just that I was too busy to even get time to myself and I couldn't tell you I didn't travel because-" y/n couldn't complete her words

"Because?" Emma questioned

"I can't tell you...at least not at this time maybe you'll know later" y/n replied as suddenly their order arrived

" I'll be waiting for you when your ready to tell me" Emma smiled at her

'' thank you" y/n said smiling back at her

*y/n's phone was ringing it was shoya calling her*

"Oh sorry I have to get this" y/n said as she excused herself

"Yes shoya" she said as she picked up

"Y/n-san I'm spying at kisaki right now and it seems like he knows your still here but theirs something more important I found one of his weaknesses ... he said he liked a girl named tachibana hinta, we could use this against him" he said in a low voice

Y/n was shocked to know this. "Be careful shoya they may kill you if you get caught and Great job BTW" she replied

"You don't have to worry about that y/n,I have to close now I'll update you later" he said as he hang up

Y/n went back to where Emma is

"Sorry I had to take that phone call" y/n sat down at the chair again

"Its okay, but I have to go now since I have to study for an exam and I don't have much time" Emma said in a sad voice

"Oh its okay good luck then" y/n said as they both got up and went outside

"So are you calling a taxi to go or do you want me to take you?" Y/n asked Emma

"Oh no I called draken and he said he'll pick me up, you can go If you want" Emma replied

"Im gonna wait for you to go first so don't try to resist" y/n said to her as Emma nodded

*Few minutes later*

They heard mikey motorbike sound

"Emma didn't you say draken was gonna come?!" Y/n was confused as she knew it was mikey.

"Yeah I don't know why it's mikey's motorbike sound, maybe draken is riding mikey's bike" Emma was also confused

Few seconds later the motorbike pulled infront of them, mikey was on it

"Ugh why do I have to bump into him everytime" y/n thought as she saw him

"Oh mikey what are you doing here?" Emma asked mikey who was getting out of his motorbike

"Ken-chin told me to pick u up since he had an urgent thing at his house" mikey replied then he noticed y/n infront of Emma

Mikey was shocked and nervous at the same time. "Oh y/n h-hi" he muttered out turning his head

"Hi" y/n said in an emotionless voice
"Oh god" she muttered under her breath but mikey heard her even tho her voice was so low

Emma noticed the awkwardness between those two. "Oh I forgot my bag at the bench nearby I'll go get it, mikey wait here for me" she said while going not too far away

"Emma!" Mikey was angry at her as he knew what she was doing

"Well since your here for Emma I guess I'll go then" y/n said turning away

"Wait!" Mikey stopped her as he pulled her hand

Y/n made a small hurt voice as this hand was still hurting her from last time when she stopped his kick

"Y/n i-im sorry about everything... does your hand hurt from last time?" He asked in a worried voice pulling his hand away from her

"It doesn't matter!" Y/n replied lowering her head

"Yes it does y/n I'm the one responsible for your hand, and why did you stop my kick even tho you probably know it was going to hurt you" he continued

"Mikey if I didn't stop you would've broke izana's neck!" Y/n shouted at him

"Izana huh! Does he even mean anything to you?!" He looked at her straight at the eyes with jealousy

"I don't have to say anything to you, but since I want to go ill tell you, he was my childhood bestfriend well not anymore cause I realized no one cares about my feelings!" She replied trying to go again but he stopped he AGAIN!!

"Y/n!" Mikey was about to say something when he saw y/n's face expression change. Her eyes were wide open as she muttered out "E-emma"

Mikey looked confused as he turned to were Emma was supposed to be.

He saw Emma on the ground with a pile of blood from her head.

Mikey and y/n rushed to her.

"Emma emma!!" mikey screamed as he held Emma

Y/n called an ambulance immediately

"W-what happened?!" Mikey asked in a shaking voice

"Mikey... I saw a motorbike and someone at the back t-they suddenly hit Emma at her head " y/n couldn't bear to look at Mikey's face

"The ambulance is on its way" she added

Mikey walked without replying he wanted to get Emma on the ambulance as soon as possible

Y/n couldn't follow him, she knew she couldn't comfort him she even was still shocked to even say anything

While mikey was walking while holding Emma , she finally said in a low voice

"M-mikey" Emma muttered out

Mikey was relifed to hear her voice

"Emma" he said

"Mikey my head hurt so bad but I want to talk with you brother " she said

"You are such an amazing brother and I love you so much" she added

"I love you too emma" mikey replied still walking and holding back his tears

"C-can you tell draken that I love him" she asked in a low voice

"Emma you will tell him not me" he shouted in a teary voice

Emma smiled and took her last breath
"Take care mikey" she said as her hands that were crossed to mikey neck fell

Mikey widened his eyes not believing that Emma just died

The ambulance arrived but for what Emma died and theirs nothing they could do about it

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now