break up

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The next day

"So what time will you arrive mom?"y/n asked the other person on the call

"LIKE 9pm" her mom (the other person on the phone) replied

"Oh ok well if I didn't open the door their are keys under the mattress since I have something to do before" y/n said

"Can't wait to see you sweetie...oh I have to close the call now bye" her mom said

"Bye mom" y/n hang up the call

"You haven't seen your mother for a while huh?" Mitsuya who was hanging out with y/n asked her

"Yeah I haven't and I missed her alot and good thing is baji used to go to mikeys place all the time so it wouldn't be hard for her to know him when I will introduce him as my boyfriend to her" y/n replied

"Chill y/n you could have just answered by yes or no" mitsuya laughed

"Ugh mitsuya your annoying me but good thing is I love talking to you not like the others who are more annoying " y/n also laughed

"Oh and don't think I forgot the dress that you are going to make for me" she added

"Y/n I have alot of work to do but I'll free some time to your dress" he replied

*That night*

Y/n was calling mikey but he wasn't answering

"Ugh I wanted him to pick me up to the meeting I guess I'll go by myself " y/n thought

"I'll punch him for not answering my call when I see him" she said to herself

*at the meeting place*

"Mikey-kun are you sure you wanna do it here and not privately" takemichi asked mikey

"Yeah I know y/n hates to be humiliated infront of people and I don't really wanna do this but you left me with no choice" mikey replied annoyed

"I'm sorry mikey but this is for everyone's good" takemichi said

"Ik besides her mother will be visiting her so I'm sure she'll comfort her" mikey added

Y/n has just arrived on time when draken shouted that the meeting has started

Y/n immediately stood with the others as mikey started talking

"Today I wanna make an announcement... y/n can you come here for a second" mikey said

Y/n looked confused and all the eyes turned on her as she started walking towards mikey

Y/n then stood infront of mikey.
"I think you all know y/n is my girlfriend" mikey said as he looked at her

"From now on you can know her by my ex...y/n im breaking up with you" mikey continued

Y/n shocked and thought mikey was joking, but why would he do this infront of all of them. All the others started whispering

"W-what...wait mikey this is a joke right you it's not funny" y/n said waiting for mikeys answer desperately

"NO y/n I don't love you anymore I also found another girl so I wanna end this" mikey replied lowering his head not wanting to face her

Y/n widened her eyes as draken, mitsuya and the other still looked shocked

"Mikey why are you saying this I know you didn't cheat on her I'm with you all the time that she isn't remember" draken told mikey

"Ken-chen this is non of your business!" Mikey shouted

Y/n eyes were about to tear when she said "Mikey if you have lost feeling for me I could understand but why would you humiliate me infront of everyone"

"Y/n I said what I had to say now please go and before you do your also out of toman" mikey muttered out

Y/n then turned away to walk ." I wouldn't stay anyways" y/n said in an angry voice while tearing up

Chifuyu wanted to follow her but takemichi stopped him saying she needs to have some time alone

Draken and mitsuya still couldn't believe this as the started questioning mikey

While y/n was leaving the members started shouting
"we didn't want you here anyways"

"You said you'd prove that your strong but u didn't show us anything "

"Shut up!" Draken shouted at them

Y/n still walked with her down when suddenly she heard a familiar name on someone's phone

One of the members was watching the news on his phone:
(The police found a woman named ***** dead near the river the police assumed she was murdered)

"Huh... this name it can't be" y/n said while snatching the phone from his hand

"Hey give me back my phone" he said turning everyone's attention to them

"Huh what is y/n looking at?" Takemichi thought

"That no no I can't be I can't be" y/n said hesitately while tears rolled down her face

"Y/n what's wrong?" Mitsuya rushed to her

Y/n gave that person his phone back as she ran outside and drove with a high speed

{The founders pov}

They were all confused , then mitsuya looked at the news and saw the dead person's name

"Oh no its her mom...she got murdered!" Mitsuya shouted when he saw the name

Mikey looked at him. " What this can't be true?!" Mikey was so not having it

"Oh no this isn't going as planed now y/n is all alone and why did her mother die at the same day mikey broke up with her " takemichi thought

"Mikey I still can't believe what you did...I'm going to check on y/n she has no one left for her" mitsuya said with an angry tone while leaving

"I tried calling y/n but she's not answering , I'm scared something happened to her" chifuyu said worriedly

"Mikey-kun " takemichi looked at a divested mikey worriedly

"Why did I agree on this I destroyed y/n how can I face her again" mikey thought

"Mikey I'm angry at you but I want blame you if you lost feelings for y/n but we also have to check up on her" draken said to mikey

"Ken-chen I can't face her again she I'm sure she doesn't even want to see me" mikeh replied

Draken wanted to deny his words but he knew its the truth so he just ended the meeting and told everyone to go.

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