will you be my boyfriend?

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Mikey woke up late as usual at y/n house

"Y/n I'm awake!" Mikey shouted for y/n while walking to the living room

Weirdly he didn't find her their and not even in the rest of the rooms

"That's weird where could she be, maybe she's just buying some groceries" he thought

Mikey's phone ringing*

"Hey ken-chin"mikey answered the call

Draken didn't even say hello "Mikey you have to come see this, quick I'll send you the location" draken then hung up the call immediately

"What's going on here??? He didn't even tell me what's the emergency" mikey was so confused

"Y/n she's not here yet should I leave? Wait- maybe this has something to do with her,oh no I hope she's fine" mikey thought as he hurriedly rushed outside and ride his motorbike

*at the location place which was near the lake*

Mikey got off his motorbike and was now searching for draken or y/n

"Y/n! Ken-chin! Where are you?!" He shouted for them

Suddenly draken appeared infront of him

"Mikey don't say a word just follow me" draken smiled at him

Mikey was annoyed by this but he followed him

Draken took Mikey to a table filled with roses and candles in it

"Y/n!" Mikey cheered as soon as he saw her

She was sitting at that table waiting for him

Draken hit mikey alittle on his shoulder as he smirked and walked away

"Manjiro come and sit next to me" y/n said to mikey

"Y/n what's the important thing Ken-chin told me about, I almost thought something happened to u" mikey asked as he sat on the table

"Well you'll know now"y/n replied as she handed him a Taiyaki with a cart beside it

Mikey happily ate it then he opened the cart

"Will you be my boyfriend again?" Was written in it

Mikey widened his eyes and looked at y/n ,he was so happy that he thought of jumping into the lake

"Ofc I will " mikey smiled at her as he ran to hug her

"Ever since we forgave each other we didn't get a chance to get back officially so I diceded to ask you first"she hugged him back

"You dumboo I was gonna surpise you tomorrow but you did that first" mikey than held her high and started spinning with her in his arms in happiness

They then both laughed and ate together their

They were finally happy again

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now