worst day

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Hey guys these chapters might be sad but trust me it will get better just be patient

Note: if their is any grammatical mistake just know its from my keyboard

Chapter starts;

{Y/n's pov}

Y/n was stopped her motorbike by the river and start walking alone

Few men where walking by and saw her so they started following her

"Hey you pretty girl" one of them shouted for her to stop walking

Y/n didn't stop walking and acted as if she hadn't heard anyone

The man started getting angry at her so he caught up with her and held her arm stopping her from moving

"Leave me alone" y/n said as she hasn't recovered from her mothers death news

"What if I didn't ,come on you seem a little sad let me cheer u up" he replied smirking at her

"Hey guys you can leave I'll have her" he added winking at his friend's as they nodded

"I said leave me alone" y/n then she punched him in the face

"Hey what do you think you are doing you idiot" he said as he tried to hit her back but she had already bardeged up on him and started punching him

He wasn't able to move and was bleeding so much. Y/n didn't stop punching him even when he lost conscious.

At that moment mitsuya arrived. " y/n I saw your motorbike and-" mitsuya stopped when he saw y/n almost killing someone

Y/n didn't even seem to notice mitsuya and started crying while still punching that man.

"I told you to leave me alone why didn't you listen"

"Its all your fault I warned you"

Y/n was still mumbling those words while punching him

"Y/n...Y/N!!"Mitsuya shouted gaining y/n's attention

"Mitsuya-kun" y/n stood up, her hands filled with blood as mitsuya rushed and hugged her

"Y/n it's alright now...but we have to go now or you'll be arrested, wait let me see if he's still alive" mitsuya rushed to that man to check if he's still breathing

"Shit h-he's dead...let's go now hurry" mitsuya pulled y/n hand and took her to his bike

*they then arrived at mitsuya's house*

"Y/n enter my house and you can shower " mitsuya said as y/n entered without saying a word

Mitsuya gave y/n some clothes and she entered the bathroom and started showering

Draken started calling mistuya as he pick up the phone and answered

"Mitsuya did you find y/n" draken asked as soon as mitsuya opened the call

"I did and she's in my house rightnow " mitsuya replied

"Oh thank god nothing happened we were all worried" draken sighed in relief

"Don't be so relieved draken, y/n is now showering because she's filled with blood" mitsuya said

"Blood!! Did anything happen to her" draken asked as mikey was next to him listening the whole time

"She's alright but when I found her she was punching a man and he died...s-she killed him" mitsuya said shivering

"WHAT!!" Draken shouted as soon as he heard that , turning mikeys attention to him

Mikey snatched the phone from mitsuya

"Mitsuya are you sure he's dead?" Mikey asked him

"Im not so sure but he wasn't breathing... I have to hang up now y/n is coming" mitsuya hang up the call

*y/n walked up to mitsuya*

"How are you feeling?" Mitsuya asked her

"Mitsuya I killed that man right... I don't want to be arrested now I have to find the person who killed my mother. Take me to my house please" y/n said

""Y/n ill take you their but are you sure you wanna stay alone I can call yuzuha to come with u of u want" mitsuya looked at her

"NO ,just take me their" y/n shouted

*Few minutes later they arrived at her house as y/n entered immediately without even saying goodbye *

{Mikey's pov}

"Takemichi this isn't what we expected first I broke up with her, then the news about her mothers death, then her killing someone" mikey shouted at Takemichi

They were alone now so no one could hear them

"Mikey-kun I didn't know this will happen I swear" takemichi said

"It doesn't matter now and I don't think y/n will stay here so that's what you wanted right?" Mikey asked

"Y-yeah b-but..."takemichi couldn't uter another word

*the next day*

Chifuyu called y/n

"Y/n where are you I tried knocking on your door but they said you left" Chifuyu said as soon as she picked up the phone

"Chifuyu I'm leaving to new York I'm sorry I haven't said my goodbyes to you" y/n replied

"Y/n i-im sorry for what happened yesterday, and I think you leaving will be for best so I understand" chifuyu said

"Bye chifuyu" y/n hang up the call not wanting to talk much

Y/n wasn't leaving but she wanted everyone to think she left , she wanted to take revenge for her mothers death, she was staying at a hotel.

Few minutes later an unknown number called her , she didn't want to answer but it kept calling everytime she hang-up so she finally answered.

"Who is this?" Y/n shouted at the other person on the call

"Miss y/n I work for your father and I called you to inform you that you have to come and take on his business" teh other person on the phone replied

"What are you talking about my father left us many years ago I don't care about him" she replied

Suddenly a car pulled and took her by fore

Few 2 hours later to walk up in an unknown place

"Where am I and who are you"she asked the person infront of her

"Miss y/n I'm the one who called you and we want to let you know that you are inheriting your father's business when you're turning 18 so we wanted to start training you on it"

"I told you I don't want to and what kind of business is this and I know my father's dead" she asked

"Your father was a mafia boss in the past and your brother was supposed to be with the one who inherits his business but he died and your mother died too so you're the only one left" he replied

"Um I see... now un tie me you idiot and let me think about it"y/n shouted at him as he did what she said

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