kisaki and hanma

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A week later on one of tomans meetings:

"I heard she's the leaders girlfriend" one of the members whispered to the other

"Yeah I think that's the reason she joined "another one added

Y/n was standing behind all of them and not beside tomans leaders as the others expected not even beside mikey she wanted to be treated just like the others and not as the leaders girlfriend

"Huh where's y/n I thought She'd come" mikey asked draken

"She is here but she's standing with the others" draken answered

"Ugh I wanted her to sit beside me" mikey added

"You know y/n she likes to be treated equally as teh other now let's start the meeting" draken said

After the meeting*

Y/n wanted to go but suddenly kisaki and hanma blocked her way

"Hey their y/n-san" kisaki said with a fake smile

"Oh hey kisaki and-" y/n was confused to why was next to kisaki

"Hanma my name is hanma" he said as he saw her confused look on her face
"Holy crap mikey has such a hot girlfriend "hanma thought

"Nice to meet you hanma and what exactly did you block my way for kisaki?" Y/n asked

"Ohh me and hanma were just wondering if you wanna hang out with us sometime so we get to be friends" kisaki replied

"Oh ofc here is my number text me when you two are free to hang out" y/n said as she handed them her number

Takemichi glanced from behind and saw y/n talking with kisaki
"Oh this is bad" he thought before coming up to them

"Y/n-san" takemichi shouted as she turned her head to see who was calling  her name. "I think mikey-kun is searching for you" takemichi added

"Oh yeah right , well then bye kisaki and hanma" she said as she waved at them and went to where mikey is.

"Do we really have to kill her kisaki?" Hanma asked. "I mean don't you think we could get her at our side she's pretty afterall 😏"he added

"At first I didn't think it's much use to kill her but now that she's mikeys girlfriend it is important to kill her so he would be sad" kisaki replied

"Ugh fine let's just go" hanma said as they left


"Manjiro let's race at who will reach your house first " y/n said

"Fine but don't be sad when I reach first"mikey replied

"You wish" y/n said

*mikey arrived their before y/n

"It was luck" y/n said with an annoyed look on her face

"Aww look whose annoyed because she lost the bet,now lets go inside my house" mikey said

"Mikey I only came here to give emma back her shirt that i borrowed I'm not going to disturb you inside I'm sure your grandpa is already asleep" y/n told mikey

"Yeah yeah as if I'm letting you go now no hesitation just have a sleepover at Emma's" mikey replied as he held y/n and went inside

"Mikey what are you doing let me down" y/n shouted at mikey

"Nope until we reach the living room in not letting you down" mikey answered as he went inside and throw her to the couch in the living room

"You really are crazy"y/n said as she left the couch and went to Emma's room and mikey went to change his clothes at his room

"Emma im here"y/n shouted then she covered her mouth as she saw Emma sleeping

"Oh I guess she's an early sleeper" y/n thought as she left Emma's room

Y/n went to mikey's room to ask for some clothes since she's sleeping here and she can't ask Emma since she's asleep 

Y/n opened mikey's room door without knocking

"Holy shit...I'm sorry" y/n said as she immediately covered her eyes as she saw shirtless mikey

"Its fine y/n you can open your eyes, besides I sometimes go out without a t-shirt " mikey replied as he came closer to her and removed her hands from her eyes

"Well from now on I have to start learning how to knock on the door" y/n laughed with her eyes opened

"Well you and baji are similar afterall"mikey added as y/n chuckled

Y/n looked at mikey's abbs " you have cool abbs" y/n said .
"Thank you"mikey replied, "Wait did I say it out loud?" Y/n asked her facing turning red

"You did" mikey winked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

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