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Hey guys sorry for the late update.

Also let's all have a moment of silent since baji left us yesterday 16 years ago

Also let's all have a moment of silent since baji left us yesterday 16 years ago

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(can't believe I forgot to post this on 31 October aka baji's death date😭)

baji was my favourite character so I was so sad when he died but he still will remain my tr number1 fav character and he is the reason why I started writing this story

Chifuyu and takemichi where at tomans place with few other members from the first division

"So yeah chifuyu since you now know I can timeleap , I was the reason behind y/n and mikey's breakup" takemichi said to chifuyu

"Takemichi I'm not mad at you , I know you did what you thought is the best for us... so that's why you always look exhausted I think you should rest" chifuyu replied patting takemichi

"Yeah but kisaki is still alive so we dont know what he will do " takemichi said

Suddenly a bunch of men with a red uniforms bardeged in and started attacking them

"Who are they?!" Chifuyu asked takemichi while punching one of the men

"I don't know" takemichi replied while getting punched by another one

"We have to go but theirs alot!!" Chifuyu shouted

One of the men laughed at him."you think you can go that easily" he said while punching chifuyu

{Y/n's pov}

"I will be your boss" y/n said looking at a bunch of mafia members

They all cheered up yayyyy

"But" y/n shouted as everyone stopped talking and looked at her

"First I need to be a leader of a gang as a part to practice being a boss until I turn 18, so I need you to find me some guys and girls that are strong and could join my gang . Can you do that?" She asked

"Yess!" They all said at the same time

"Great then you have 2 days to bring them to me" she continued as they all nodded


"OK so I need this to be the place of my gang" y/n said to her helper

"I will buy it now miss y/n" he replied

"Great then all I need now is to find a name for my gang"
"Mmm... YAKUZA yeah its name will be the yakuza gang" she finally found a name for her gang

"Okay miss then I'll tell some workers to do uniforms with (yakuza) on it and a different looking one for you" her helper said

"Okay then I'll discuss the details with them later" she replied


"Omg we escaped magically" takemichi said to chifuyu catching his breath

"Who are they and why would they attack us?" Chifuyu asked

"Idk but I heard one of them say kisaki's name so I guess he joined them and he's behind this" takemichi replied

Chifuyu's face turned into anger. "That kisaki I want to kill him so badly!" He said

"I feel the same too" takemichi added

{Mikey's pov}

"Mikey some members got attacked by some gang named tenjiku"draken said running towards mikey

Mikey was always sad since y/n left , he was so empty from the inside but he needed to focus on his gang who is getting attacked.

"Well find me some details about them and then we'll teach them a lesson"mikey replied

Draken nodded as an Okay.

"If y/n was here she would have told me what to do straight away...I miss her" mikey thought

{Back to y/n's pov}

"Y/n-san!" Shoya (the one that help her)shouted running to her

"What's wrong shoya?" She asked confused

"Remember that gang you told me you left aka toman...well they got attacked by tenjiku one of the most powerful gang" he replied

"What! Well that's non of our business so why are you telling me this" she asked confused again

"Well...Remember when you told me the one that you want to get revenge on is kisaki tetta- he's part of that tenjiku gang" he replied waiting for her reaction

Surprisingly y/n wasn't angry,instead she smiled. "Well well finally we found the basterd I can't wait to make him suffer" she said

"Shoya you have done a great job, from now on you'll be my right hand" she added

"R-really y/n-san thank you and trust me I won't let you down , its good I'm around your age unlike the others from your mafia" he replied smiling at her.

"Yeah..now get me all the information about tenjiku I wanna know who's there leader" she said as they got back to work

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