a date!

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Hey guys this chapter will be longer than usual so I hope you enjoy it<33

2 days later, they all went back home;
At y/n's house:
Someone was knocking the door.
"Coming!" Y/n shouted as she opened the door to see chifuyu standing their

"What are you doing here chifuyu is their something wrong?" Y/n asked him

"NO no no , can't I just have lunch with my bestie" chifuyu replied teasingly
"Come in you little boy" y/n laughed

Few minutes after they finished eating y/n heard another knocking on the door

"Agh who else is coming" she thought
She opened the door to see mitsuya and takemichi standing their

"Now what did you two come for?" Y/n asked as they entered

"Now since you are part of toman you need the uniform so here it is I made it for you" mitsuya said handing it to her
" aw thank u ill go try it on" she replied

2mins later:

"Tell me how do I look?" Y/n asked

"Amazing!" They all said at the same time

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"Amazing!" They all said at the same time

"Thank you guys ,I would have ate lunch to you but me and chifuyu already did you should have come earlier" y/n said to takemichi and mitsuyu

Suddenly they heard another knocking at the door

"Agh are the whole toman members coming to my house today"y/n muttered out as she opened the door

"Woah y/n-san you look gorgeous in tomans uniform " mikey said in shock as draken was behind him amazed too

"Thank you...Oh come in" y/n replied as they came inside

When mikey saw chifuyu,mitsuya and takemichi all at her house he asked" so what is going on here"

"Nothing we just came to give her the uniform"mitsuya replied

"Oh OK" mikey said as he and draken sat at the couch

"Oh shit I'm late! Sorry guys I have to go...so wanna leave my house" y/n said

"Where are u going?" Mikey asked

"Non of your business but since you asked I'm going out with Emma and hina and I'm already late"y/n replied

"Oh OK then let's go boys" draken said as they all followed him out side the door
Night time, hina got back home and y/n was walking Emma home cuz she didn't want to let her walk alone

*knock knock , mikey opened the door

" Emma your late...oh y/n-san your also here"mikey said as he looked behind Emma

"Yeah I just wanted to walk Emma home, well then goodbye " y/n said as she was leaving and Emma entered

"Wait! y/n"mikey shouted "since you walked Emma home let me walk you home,it's not safe for a pretty girl out at night alone" he continued

"You don't have to manjiro, besides if anyone dares to come near me I'll break his hand" she replied

"I insist now no hesitation " mikey said as he followed her

*as they were walking

"Hey y/n... wanna go out with me after school tomorrow, we could go anywhere you like" mikey said shyly

"Umm..y-yeah sure we could go watch a movie"she replied blushing

*they talked about other silly things to change the topic as they reached her home*

"Bye bye y/n" mikey said waving to her

"Goodbye manjiro have a good night" she replied as she closed the door .

"Omgg did he just ask me out on a date!!!" Y/n thought
The next morning:

Y/n was going to school when she heard takemichi scream

"Hey y/n-san !! You enrolled in the same school as me and hina right" he asked

"Yeah hina told your in it too" y/n replied

"Wanna go walk to school with me?" She asked as he nodded in agreement

Y/n and takemichi arrived at school as each one went to his class .

The last bell rang and y/n was so relieved that she finished her classes for today they were so boring

As she was walking outside the school she suddenly saw someone jumping at her hugging her

"Wtf!" Y/n said as she saw who was hugging her "Manjiro!! What are you doing everyone is staring at us" she continued as she pulled away

" whatever let them be , now let's go we have a date remember 😉" mikey said

"Let's just go"y/n said as she sat on mikey's motorbike

"Okay hold on my waist" he told her as he started driving

* at the cinema theater

"Let's grab a popcorn and watch a horror movie" y/n told mikey
"but if you get scared we can watch other one" she continued

"What no I don't get scared from a movie come let's watch it" he said as he took the popcorn and grabbed her arm

As they were watching the film mikey suddenly felt a hand holding his while shaking he looked up and saw a completely scared y/n

"Looks like your the one who's scared here" he grinned at her

" noo I was just ummm surprised by the scary clowns apperance" she replied

"Yeah yeah whatever you say " mikey said smiling at her

After the movie they decided to go on a walk at the park

"Hey y/n wanna ice-cream?"he asked as he saw an ice-cream truck

"Yeah sure but looks like you have to wait for your turn" she replied as she saw alot of people standing in line
"I'll go site their and wait for you" y/n continued as mikey nodded and stand line.

A minute later some boys saw y/n sitting alone and came up to her

"Hey pretty girl wanna go with us" one of them said

"NO thanks now can you go away from me " y/n replied

"We weren't asking you we were telling you now come with us princess,we're gonna have alot of fun" he said as he was about to grab y/n hand

Y/n knocked him out before he could touch her .

As the other boys where attacking her y/n was fighting them all by her self causing everyone to fall on the ground .

End of chapter
The continuing of the fight will be in the next chapter cuz I think this one is too long.

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