first fight

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Boring chapter ahead I didn't what to write so it took me alot of time to think of a little things so her you go♡

*phone ringing*

"Hello?"y/n said answering an unknown number

"H-hi y/n I'm hanma remember me kisaki's friend"the other person on the call replied

"Oh hi hanma how are you is everything alright?" Y/n asked

"Yeah yeah everything's fine I just wanted to ask you if your free today so we can hang out together if u want"hanma replied

"Oh yeah I'm free well send me where you wanna hangout and I'll be thier this afternoon" y/n said as she said goodbye and hang up

"Who was that y/n?" Draken asked as he and y/n where hanging out at his place

"Oh that's hanma kisaki's friend he just wanted to hang out with me" y/n replied

"Oh ok" he said as he patted her head

"You know ken-chen hanging out with you is pretty fun" y/n said

"Well you are my lil sis, Baji's sister is our sister too well except for mikey cuz your his gf ,now eat all of your cookies if you want me to drop u home" draken told y/n as she started completing her cookies


"Hey y/n I don't mean anything rude but why did you bring yuzuha with you I thought we where hanging out alone"hanma asked y/n

"Oh me and yuzuha go everywhere together so I brought her with me besides if my boyfriend sees me with you alone he will go nuts since he don't like u that much and so I brought her here" y/n replied

"Oh your boyfriend...okay" hanma said with an upset voice

"I can hear the two of you u know" yuzuha said as she finally spoke

"Hahaha" they all laughed

Yuzuha then looked at her phone to see who sent her a message

"Oh no hakkia got into a trouble again I'm sorry I have to go now bye y/n-san and hanma"she said as she left hurriedly

"Well that was weird she didn't even tell us what kind of trouble he got in" y/n said

"Y-yeah"hanma replied knowing it has obviously something to do with kisaki

"Wanna eat something I'm so craving for a chicken burger"he asked

"I would never say no to chicken burger ,come on let's go"she replied


*As they were eating*

"Hey y/n can you hand me the ketchup I wanna add more to my burger " hanma said

"Yeah sure"she replied as she handed it to him

Suddenly as he was grabbing it hanma press the ketchup bottle hard on purpose so it would burst

"Oh nooo I'm so sorry" hanma said as he and y/n were filled with ketchup

"Ugh its fine...f*** everyone is staring at us"she replied as hanma handed her tissues to clean her self

Then kisaki took a pic without anyone noticing and send hanma a message with "mission done"(he was hiding cuz this was planned)

Hanma saw the message and suggested to y/n to go back home as she agreed


Y/n was heading home when she saw mikey waiting for her outside her house

"Mikey what are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming"she asked

"Y/n I came here to confront you about something- wait why are u covered in ketchup"he asked when he looked at her

"I'll tell you later but first let me go shower" she replied while trying to open the door with her keys

"Y/N STOP!"Mikey shouted at her as she turned her head to face him with a confused look on her face

"What is this?!!"mikey said as he showed her some pics of her and hanma while he was handing her a tissue but they seem a little to close then they actually where

"Just a pic of hanma while he was handing me tissues because of the ketchup...but why does it seem strange"she was confused

" I dont like this guy hanma and who is he to hang out with you"mikey said

"He was just trying to be friendly that's all besides yuzuha was with us then she left and who took these photos"she replied

"Well it doesn't look like she was their,I found these pics on my door step"he replied in a harsh tone

"You don't believe me...mikey I think we should talk about it tomorrow "y/n said as she opened her door

"Wait y/n I didn't mean to-"and she closed the door leaving him outside

"Ugh!"mikey said as he got on his bike and drove away

This is officially their first little fight as a couple.

End of chapter<3

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