lets put an end to this

754 26 18

Mikey's pov

My only target here are the leaders of both gangs

But wait who is this person that is being attacked by the haitani brothers along with shoya

That masked person couldn't  move because of the haitani brothers holding their hands

I recognise that mask as the leader of bratva's mask

"This is gonna be fun" I mumbled while walking towards them

Shoya didn't notice me and was still throwing some punches at bratva's leader

Bratva's leader tried to kick him but no use, the haitani brothers was holding them

I continued to walk towards them, when suddenly shoya took a metal stick and hit her head with it

Bratva's leader fell on the floor and lost conscious and blood was all over the floor, her mask had fallen

"Y/N!!" Draken and mitsuya shouted at the same time

"Y/n?" I was confused but then I looked at the person who got hit a second ago

It was...y/n

My eyes widened when I saw her, her face was filled with blood

"Oh I see, so it turned out that mysterious person had been y/n all this time" shoya mumbled

He was about to say something else but was interrupted by my kick

I couldn't control myself I just kept on hitting and kicking him

He was filled with blood and was about to lose conscious

"Mikey stop" I heard her low voice after 2 years

I turned around and their she is trying to stand up

I froze on my place, I couldn't face her yet

She slowly walked towards me

"Let's end this.."

"I will disband bratva and let your gang be the strongest in tokyo but that is on one condition....go back to your friends mikey, they all miss you" 

Those words made me angry

I clenched my fist "Why would you think I will agree on this?!!"

I saw as her eyes widened as she noticed someone behind me, she pushed me to the ground

I didn't understand what was going on
Then I got up and saw

Shoya had hit y/n with a knife, the same way keisuke was hittin by it once

My eyes widened

This can't be happing

Is the past repeating itself?

Y/n didn't move but stood still

She put her hand on shoya's shoulder " I hope you wake up some day and realise that my father is a cruel person"

He brushed her hand away "killing him wasn't enough for u huh? His own daughter was the reason behind his death"

She looked confused " what are you talking about?"

"Oh please, you don't have to pretend" he said to her

I walked up to them and stood beside y/n

" I did it, I planned his death"they both looked shocked at my words

Y/n seemed to realise that I haven't forgot my promise

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? and you y/n why aren't you sad?!!"shoya shouted

"He killed my mom" she interrupted him

"I hate him with all my heart for what he did and to be honest I'm relieved that he's dead, my fear of him will finally be gone"

Shoya looked shocked at her answer

"No.. that can't be true, he-" shoya shut his mouth when he realised she wasn't lying

Tears started falling down his eyes

"I'm sorry y/n... I'm sorry"he cried

She gave him a tissue "I might not be able to forgive you this quick but I hope you follow the right path in the future"

Then she turned he head and looked at me

" I'm not innocent either, I've done alot of things that hurt people around me"

She lowerd her head "I'm sorry mikey, please come back to your friends and I- I promise to not cross paths with you anymore"

I slowly walked towards her but before I could reply she fell but I caught her

Damn she was stabbed before, how come nobody called the ambulance

Suddenly she coughed some blood "it was nice meeting you mikey"

My eyes widened at her words and tears dropped down my eyes uncontrollably

"Y/n you don't have to talk" I cried but she just ignored my words

"Take care of yourself mikey" then she went silent

Is this really happing

No this can't be

"MIKEY! I called the ambulance and they are on their way here, we gotta go police might come at any minute" sanzu said running towards me

I couldn't let go of y/n, I can't leave her alone

I held y/n and stood up

I wasn't gonna leave her until I put her in the ambulance

"End this fight sanzu, ill take her to the ambulance" that was all I said before I walked out of that place

My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now