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Hello guys👋
Here is a song that I suggest for you to listen if you feel you want to just be alone away from toxic people

Anyways enjoy this chapter<33

*Few hours later*

The doctor went outside the operating room

They all stood up infront of him

"How is y/n?"
"Is she alright??"

"She is fine but she can't walk for atleast a month on her left leg" the doctor replied

"Thank god she's okay" they all sighed in relief

"I suggest you guys should leave and visit her next morning ,we'll be moving her now to a normal room"the doctor continued

The door was opened by the nurses revealing y/n she was sleeping and they were taking her to a normal room

"Y/n!" Mikey said when he saw her and followed them to her room

The others where in shock when they saw y/n all coverd up with bandegs

"Yo guys I think we should go now" draken suggested

"But what about mikey?" Takemichi said as mikey was in y/n room

"I know him he won't get out of her room and leave her alone, now lets go we can't stay at the hospital for too long" he replied as they all left


*next morining*

Y/n woke up and saw mikey sleeping in a chair next to her, his head was on her lab

She started playing his hear as he woke up

"Oh sorry did I wake u up" y/n said

"Y/n your awake,you don't have to worry about that , do you want me to call the nurse?" mikey asked y/n in a worried voice

"NO manjiro I just want you to stay here with me,I also wanted to thank you for saving me" y/n replied

"Y/n I'm sorry I couldn't protect you as I promised , you don't have to thank me I'm sorry y/n"mikey said while tears dropped down him face

"Y/n I'm sorry I couldn't protect you as I promised , you don't have to thank me I'm sorry y/n"mikey said while tears dropped down him face

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"Mikey! It's not your fault, besides you risked your life for me" y/n hugged mikey as he hugged her back

"Thank you manjiro" she continued as mikey then pulled away from the hug and suddenly kissed her

Y/n was shocked and she kissed him back

*Few minutes later they were talking*

Takemichi and hina entered the room as hina rushed to y/n and hugged her

"Y/n I was so worried when Takemichi told me what happened to you" hina said while crying

"Its alright hina" y/n replied

Mikey then told y/n that he will be getting her breakfast since she wasn't alone in the room anymore as takemichi followed him

Emma also entered the room and hugged y/n

"Y/n I can't imagine how much you've been through" Emma said

"Yeah y/n if you wanna talk to us as girls we're always here for you" hina said

Y/n lowered her head. "Honestly guys im trying to stay stable so mikey wouldn't blame himself for this but yesterday was a nightmare" y/n finally broke down

"Y/n what did they do to you, you know you can always trust us" hina said patting y/n

"Well...last night they touched me...stabbed me and punched me serval times. I don't really care if they hit me even tho it hurts but the fact that they touched me without my permission make me feel very disgust" y/n said while she was crying

Emma and hina widened their eyes when they heard what she said

"I even broke the promise that I did with baji by always defending myself" she continued

Emma and hina hugged y/n

"We're sorry for what you've been through y/n" Emma said feeling sad

"You don't have to be"y/n replied patting Emma's head

Little did they know mikey was behind the door and he heard everything

"We brought your breakfast" the nurse barged into the room

Y/n saw that mikey was behind the door and said " Oh manjiro your here thank you for telling them to get my breakfast" she said that not knowing that he heard everything

Mikey's face was filled with anger but he tried to calm down infront of y/n

"Hinata takemichi-kun was calling you from outside I think you should check up on him and Emma can sit next to ken-chen outside cause we can't be alot in the room" mikey said as they nodded in agreement and left

Now it's only mikey and y/n in the room again

"Eat all your food y/n"mikey said smiling at her

"I will if you join me , I don't like to eat alone" she replied

"Fine" he said

After they finished eating

"Manjiro" y/n looked in mikeys eyes

"Yess cutie" he replied

"I think you have something to tell me as I know this face" she said

"Well I kinda heard what you said to Emma and hina Few minutes ago and I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything about it " mikey replied with his head down

Y/n looked shocked." Mikey please don't blame yourself , sometimes we can't protect the people we love . Now would you like if I stayed blaming myself for baji's death"

"Your right y/n the only one we could blame is the one who is behind this" he said while smiling at her

"That's my manjiro" she said while giving him a kiss on his cheek and they hugged each other

"How dare they touch y/n before I even do she's mine , I swear I'll kill that person behind this" he thought while still hugging her

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