kill them

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{Mikey's pov}

"Mikey!" He heard mitsuya and draken behind him

"We followed you here while the others are still searching " mitsuya said

"Oh is that a small house, is y/n their?" Draken asked mikey

"Mitsuya, ken-chen y/n is their...she's still alive but their are some men that have guns waiting for us" mikey replied

"Oh so if we open the door..."mitsuya said

"Exactly , so if we die, y/n will instantly be dead after us "mikey said in a low voice

"We have to make a let's grab this large piece of cutted tree and open the door with it and then we throw it at them so they don't have time to shoot us"draken suggested as they nodded in agreement

They held it with their hand as they started counting to three

"1,2-" they were cut of by y/n scream

{Y/n's pov}

The 2 men heard the boys outside's voice so one of then suggested to hit her with the knife on her leg so who were outside would know that they shouldn't come

(They knew they couldn't be a match for mikey)

"Ahhh!!" Y/n screamed in pain as one of the men stabbed her on her leg

"Stop it...p-please" she said

"Then tell your friends outside to go or we'll kill them all even if they are strong,we have guns" he said to her

"Mikey, please go I don't want you to die!" Y/n shouted as mikey and the others heard her from outside

"Y/n don't worry about me, you will get out of here alive and whatever they are doing to you rn I'll kill them" mikey replied with a high voice so she could hear him

"Yeah y/n don't worry about us we'll get you out of here" draken and mitsuya said

"Draken,mitsuya you two should go and get mikey out of here with you please go!!!" Y/n said while crying as the other men who was standing next to her came closer to were the door is ready to shoot

*outside:with mikey,draken and mitsuya*
"Let's go!" Mikey shouted as they all ran towards the door with this large piece of cutted tree

By that the door is now broken and as soon as they entered the two men press the gun button but it came on that large piece of wood

Then mikey draken and mitsuya threw it at them as the 2 men where now on the floor and their guns under mitsuya's feet as he kicked the guns out of the door

"You two are so dead" mikey said as he and mitsuya started punching them at their faces

"We're sorry please stop we were forced to do it" one of the men said as mikey didn't stop punching him

Suddenly mikey stopped at drakens voice."Mikey! Y/n she's...we have to call an ambulance" draken shouted to mikey as he was beside y/n

Mikey than ran towards y/n as draken went to call an ambulance and continued to punch that man mikey was punching

"Y/n!" Mikey said as he saw y/n tied up and was filled with blood

"Mikey,you idiot I was scread of losing you" y/n said as tears dropped down her face

Mikey started untieing y/n as he then hugged her

"Y/n it's alright now I'm here, now tell me what those animals did to you" mikey said as he was still hugging y/n

"Mikey they-"y/n couldn't say a word and just started crying they did to much to her that she couldn't even say

Mikey widened his eyes as he figured out they have done very bad things to her . He then pulled away from the hug and looked at her

She was stabbed from her leg and had scratches all over her body she then coughed some blood as she was losing conscious

Y/n then fell into mikey's arms. Mikey held her and went outside to get her to the ambulance as soon as possible

"Draken, mitsuya hit those two until they can't even speak"mikey said before heading out of the door as they nodded At him

"When y/n told you to stop why didn't you"draken said while punching that guy

"NO one hurt our sister"mitsuya also said while hitting the other one

Takemichi and chifuyu then arrived and saw draken and mitsuya punching those guys

"Draken-kindly where is y/n-san?'' Takemichi asked as draken stopped

''Right y/n we should go to the hospital I think mikey has already put her in the ambulance " he said as they all headed outside leaving the two men on the ground and they all went outside and got on their motorbikes

{Mikey's pov}

"Whoever was the reason behind this he'll regret it" mikey thought as he saw the ambulance near him

"Y/n open your eyes you'll be safe now baby" mikey said to y/n while shaking her a bit (he was still holding her in his arms)

He then put her in the ambulance and was about to go back and get his motorbike to follow them when he saw draken pulling up infront of him and the others behind

"Mikey get in my bike we'll get yours later" draken said as mikey got in the back

"Faster ken-chen" mikey said to draken as he did what he said


*at the hospital*

They were all waiting outside the operating room

"Why are they taking so long" said chifuyu

"Chifuyu just hope that she's alright we haven't seen her so we don't know if she was so damaged or not"takemichi replied

"Right mitsuya you saw her right?! Was she hurt that much?" Chifuyu asked mitsuya

"So badly chifuyu"mitsuya replied as chifuyu and takemichi widened their eyes

"Stop this now we are all worried especially mikey so stop talking she will be OK have faith in her" draken shouted at then as they looked at mikey

Mikey was sitting with his head down few drops of tears rolled down his face

Mikey was sitting with his head down few drops of tears rolled down his face

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