heartbroken girl

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Y/n was in her hotel room eating ice-cream.  She was still heartbroken but didn't try to show it infront of others.

Suddenly someone knocked on her door as she got up and went to open it.

"Shoya, what are you doing here"she asked the person infront of the door

"Y/n-san can I come in cuz I can't tell you this on the doorstep"he replied catching his breath

Y/n let him in, he looked like he has been running for a while.

"What is it" y/n said as she sat on the couch beside shoya

"Well tenjiku's leader knows your here in Tokyo and is looking for you but dont worry he doesn't know anything about you being a mafia boss" he said

"Oh shit what does he want form me , do i even know him?! Who is he by the way?" She asked confused

"I don't know yet but what do say will you go see him?" He turned the question to her

"I guess I will since I find it interesting that one of the strongest gangs leader want to see me" she replied

"Well then he left us a letter of what place you should see him tomorrow " shoya said handing her the letter

"BTW y/n why is their your hotel room filled with ice-cream are you okay?" He asked in a worried voice

"Haven't you seen a girl after a break up before?!" She was so surprised that he didn't guess

"NO why- ohh so you had a break up and now your heart broken.. im sorry i guess" he muttered out finally realising

"Its fine , I have to concentrate on other things now .BTW did they mange to find some people that will join my gang?" She asked while staring at him

"Ohh yeah and they will be at yakuza's place tonight so you'll have to discuss things with them" he replied

"Oh ok, now lets go I'm tired of staying here" she said as they walked out of the door

{Takemichi's pov}

"Mikey so I found some informatuon about tenjiku's leader ,he will be going out to a nearby forest tomorrow" mitsuya said to mikey

"Well then why don't we go and surprise him tomorrow" mikey replied teasingly

Draken knew straight away what he's thinking." Mikey your planning on attacking him their right ,so do you want us to come with you or what?" Draken asked smiling at mikey

"Well they are at a forest and I don't think there will be anyone their except him so it's a perfect opportunity to attack him" chifuyu said when he saw takemichi's worried face

"I'll go alone then after few minutes you'll come , after all you have to get your pay back too" mikey replied to drakens question as they all nodded in agreement

*That night*

"Omg!" Y/n shouted looking at alot of people standing waiting for her

"Well I didn't think you would be that much but um let me just start talking. Well as you know your all here to join the yakuza gang so if you have any problem tell me about it" she said

One of them which was a girl came closer."I have a question why did you choose people who has nothing to lose to join u?" She asked

Y/n was expecting this question as she replied "Well I have nothing to lose too so I figured out people who has nothing are the strongest and fearless"

"Oh that's a pretty good reason I'll be glad to join yakuza" the girl said getting back to her place

"So I guess since no one else have something to say we'll be meeting here and I'll send you some uniforms when they are done" y/n said ending the meeting

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