our promise

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*the doctor left the emergency room*

"How is mikey?" Draken asked as soon as the doctor came outside

"Well the shoot got in his shoulder and the damage would have gotten near his neck but luckily you brought him just on time and we managed to save him" the doctor assured them

"Oh thank god" draken sighed in relief

All of them cheered in the back as they heard the good news

"Oh theirs one more thing, he is awake now and is asking for someone named y/n so if she wanna enter she can since he isn't listening to us" the doctor added

"Oh ok I'll tell y/n to come" draken replied as the doctor walked away

"Draken-kun wasn't y/n here few hours ago?" Takemichi asked as he didn't find her

"Yeah I brought her here, maybe she's in the cafeteria or something" draken replied

"I want to see y/n!" They all heard mikey's shout from inside the room

Draken suddenly entered without permission

"Mikey!" He smiled at mikey

"Ken-chin" mikey cheered not even caring that he almost got killed

Draken then sat beside mikey as he assured the nurse that it will be fine

"Ken-chin where's y/n I've been asking for her too many times? Are they not letting her in?" Mikey asked draken

"Mikey the truth is idk where is she, I brought her here but then she left without telling us" draken replied

Mikey immediately realised where y/n could be

"I think I know where she is" mikey said while getting up from the hospital bed

"Mikey what do you think your doing you have to stay In your bed" draken shouted at him

"Ken-chin do me a favour and cover to me I promise it won't be long" mikey than ran away

Draken sighed "what kind of a person can run while they are injured " he thought

{Y/n's pov}

"Why do people I love leave me?"
"Why did you leave keisuke?why did mikey leave me alone?"

Y/n was muttering out these words at baji's grave . She was sitting at the back of his grave

She was not crying this time as her tears now left it was pain that can't be expressed by crying

Suddenly a taxi car pulled up infrint of the century , y/n didn't even notice it

Mikey was in the taxi car as he gave him some money and closed the door

He walked towards baji's grave as he saw a black haired girl behind it

Mikey stood up infront of her, y/n noticed someone standing beside her as she raised her head to see who it was

Her eyes widened when she saw mikey standing right infront of her

She froze and couldn't say anything,mikey than sat next to her on the ground and held her hands

"M-m-m" y/n couldn't even spell his name as she was still in shock

"Y/n, I knew you would be here, remember the promise we made once when we started dating to always find eachother at baji's grave" mikey smiled at her

Y/n finally broke down as she suddenly hugged him tight and started crying nonstop

Mikey was shocked as he hugged her back "im sorry I made you worry"

Few minutes later y/n finally stopped crying

"Manjirou you your alive, I-I'm not imaging right?" She asked

"NO y/n your not imaging its really me"mikey assured her

Y/n then pulled away from the hug

"You didn't forget our promise" she smiled at him

"I will never forget it , and the most important thing is that your safe" mikey said smiling back at her

"You dump ass how would I live without you" she replied

"What do you mean y/n-"mikey was cut off by y/n

Y/n suddenly put her hands on his cheek and.... She kissed him on the lips!!!

Mikey was shocked at this sudden kiss,but he could not resist it since he waited for this moment for so long he missed her

Her soft lips touched his as he kissed her back

Few moments later they pulled away to take a breath

"I love you too manjiro" she whispered to him (as a reply for the last thing he said before getting shoot)

Mikey was about to kiss her when she put her finger on his mouth stopping him

"You have to go back to the hospital "she said to him

"But I wanna stay with you, I know you hate hospital's" mikey replied shaking his head

"I'll go with you don't worry" she assured him

"OK then help me get up" he winked at her as she got up and stretched her hand to him

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