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2 days later

"We finally caught the one and only shoya or should I say yakuza's leader" sanzu was pointing the gun at shoya

Shoya was tied up in a chair and they covered his mouth but they kept his eyes open, so he can see what will they do to him

"You were such a pain in the ass but luckily today is your last day, we'll destroy you all one by one. Starting with you then y/n then-" sanzu shut his mouth when mikey raised his hand alittle

It was a sign for him to shut up

Mikey walked towards shoya and removed the tape from his mouth

"Where is y/n?" Mikey asked him

Shoya smirked ''so you still care about her, but sadly I don't know"

Mikey was getting annoyed and was about to punch him when suddenly the door flew open

Y/n appeared behind the door


After I kicked the door I ran towards shoya and pointed a gun at him

"Y/n what are you doing I'm the one who will kill him not you!!" Sanzu furiously said but you just ignored him

"Y/n-" mikey was about to talk but he couldn't find the words

"Why would you kill an innocent child!" I said as tears rolled down my eyes

"Who said she was innocent? her only mistake was that she's your daughter" shoya grinned

I shoot his left eyes, he screamed in pain

"That would never happened if you just agreed on his offer!!" Shoya manged to say those words through his pain



Shoya was the one who was trying to let y/n break up with mikey so that day when she was opening up to mikey he was spying on them and had recorded all of there talk and gave it to the police

He did all of this because he was afraid y/n will focus just on mikey and ruin the gang. It took y/n a week to find out the truth, and she forgave him since she believed everyone deserve a second chance

But then (few years ago) her so called dead father showed up and instantly took over the gang and offered y/n to join him but she refused since she hated her father. But then her right hand betrayed (shoya)her and went on her father's side and that's when the problems began

Y/n's father made shoya the leader of yakuza but he is still alive


I kept on shooting him even after he was dead

The others watched with eyes wid open as y/n finally stopped


"Y/n what did you mean when you said shoya was the one behind our break up?" Mikey asked me while breaking the silence

"You really wanna know the truth mikey..fine I'll tell you" I said as I wiped my tears

"Shoya made it look like you had reported me to the police few years ago just for wanting me to focus on my previous gang yakuza" I said

Mikey eyes widened at your answer, so shoya was the reason why you left him he thought

"But I'm not an idiot, I knew right away that you didn't do anything" I added

"THEN WHY DID YOU LEAVE!" Mikey shouted at me

I lost it at this moment, after I answered him he still wanted to know the whole truth

"BECAUSE OF MY FATHER! He wasn't dead and he came back, he took everthing from me,everyone left me to go with him including shoya so I couldn't risk being seen around you because...he would've definitely do something to you" I shouted at him but my voice lowered as I said the last sentence

Mikey was shocked, so all of this was just for his safety, she abandoned her dreams on staying with him forever just for him to be safe *mikey thought*

Mikey suddenly hugged you

"Y/n I'm sorry you had to go through this alone, but I promise if you give me one more chance I won't let anyone break us" mikey said to me

Y/n and mikey may have broke up and got together twice but it wasn't because of you two. It was all because of others.
First it was because of takemichi although his intentions weren't bad
And then it was shoya

"I....we already tried mikey and we failed" i mumbled out

"I don't care, I'm ready to give our love a million chances just to be with you" mikey replied

You let go of the hug and pulled out you gun and pointed it against mikey's head

Every bonten members raised their guns at you as a respond

"Their is another thing I need to tell you, Lisa...she..she is izana's daughter" I said to mikey

"When izana and kakucho weren't on a good page he went to a bar and got drunk and got a girl pregnant, he was twenty at the time but when the baby was born the real mother abandoned her and put her on her fathers doorstep but he was dead at the time" i explained

Mikey was shocked by this

"S-so I'm her uncle?" He asked and you simply just nodded

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