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"Hello,is this Bonten's number 2" y/n said as soon as the other person on the phone answered

"How the fuck did you get this number? And who are you?!" Sanzu shouted

"Ok sanzu now cut the bullshit, I wanna speak to mikey" y/n said harshly

" that y/n?! What do you want? And why do you think I'll give the phone to Mikey?!!" He replied

"If you don't give it to him I promise you he will be mad at the future" she answered

Sanzu wanted to shout something when the person sitting next to him snatched the phone from sanzu

"What do you want?" Mikey said straight forward

"I'll agree to collab with you" she replied

"Under 1 condition" she added

"What is it?" Mikey asked

"I need protection" she answered

"Protection? Aren't you the top gang in japan?!!!" He sounded confused

"Let's talk about that later, now do you want or not?" She asked him

"I will agree" mikey then hung up the phone

"Boss why did you agree? Didn't you say you wanna destroy that gang?" Sanzu asked mikey

Mikey didn't say a word and just stared at him

"Ohhhh I understand know, you wanna gain their trust and then destroy them" sanzu finally understood the plan


Y/n's pov

"Y/n-sama a letter came to you" one of my workers said

"Leave it on my desk, I'll open it later" I replied as he left the room

"Hmm let's see" I muttered out to myself as I opened the envelope

You are invited to Bonten's party tonight at ***

"Intersting... oh I almost forgot I have to go to the hospital " y/n thought

"Hey baby" I said to the little girl laying in the bed

"Hi mommy! I missed you" the little girl aka Lisa replied

"I'm sorry I was busy lately but I have a surprise for you" I pulled out a dress from a box

"Omg that's a beautiful dress! Thank you  mom" Lisa said in excitement

"That's not the surprise...The doctor said you can go out today and guess what, ill take you to a party tonight!!" I told her

"Omg finally"she hugged me


That night:
At the party

Mikey's pov

"Is she coming?" Kakucho asked me

"I think so" I replied as I sat down on a chair

I heard a sound of a car pulling outside, so I assumed she's the one who just came since everyone is here except her

Y/n walked in wearing the most gorgeous dress, idk if the dress is gorgeous or she makes every dress that she wear look gorgeous

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