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At the evening

*Yakuza and toman are now announced as top1 on tokyo*

They were all celebrating at a restaurant
(Mikey, y/n , draken,mitsuya,takemichi,chifuyu and hina who came with her bf)
They were sitting at a large table and ordering food

"Funny how we made this gang just to beat the black dragons and now we're on top 1.. well besides yakuza that got this far in less than a year" draken said

"Yeah and luckily yakuza is y/n's gang so we don't have to fight them" mitsuya laughed

"Hahaha but seriously this group is truly amazing, we should hange out more like this" y/n added

"I agree" mikey the person sitting next to her replied

"Mikey you agree on anything y/n say but this time I should also agree" chifuyu joked

"we all made some stupid decisions in the past but it all brought us together " takemichi added

"Yeah I think it's time to correct our mistake"y/n replied as she had something to do this day (she will leave the mafia after she gathered up some courage with mikey's help)

Mikey then held her arm which was under the table and smiled at her
"It will be alright" he whispered to her still not knowing what is the bad thing she got herself into but still supporting her

"Yall are gonna keep talking our orders arrived!" Takemichi reminded them

They all started eating and y/n put a flag on mikeys food

She was about to eat the sandwich that she ordered when she noticed something on it

They were all eating and not noticing , mikey was about to eat when he suddenly said "y/n why aren't you eating?did you not like it?"

"Manjiro I didn't even try it yet" she replied

"Oh so what's the prob- wait are those pieces of pickles which your allergic to!" Mikey finally noticed

"Yeah I told them not put them on it but I guess they mixed up my order, dw I'll just order something else" she tried to calm him down

"Hell no your not gonna wait again, here take mine" he said as he gave his food with her

"I'm gonna report them, they might have killed you!" He was about to go when y/n stopped him

"Mikey it's fine we swapped meals and nothing happened , now can we just go back to eating" she asked him

"Ugh fine but if this happens again I'll punch the cheff" he sat down and y/n patted him on the shoulder

The others were ignoring them knowing y/n will calm him down

5mins later

Shoya was calling y/n

Y/n was still eating but she picked up

"Heyy what's shoya" she answered

"Y/n something bad happened I need you to come to the Mafia's hiding place rightnow!!" He immediately said

"Wait what- what happend?" She got off her seat

"Some news were leaked about you getting involved in bad things and now the police is searching for some details about you since you are also a suspect for kisaki's death" he replied

"What!" She shouted gaining everyone sitting on the table attention

"Is their something wrong y/n" mikey asked her

"No no I have to excuse myself I need to continue this call" she excused herself before walking outside

"How did they know?" She asked the other person on the phone aka shoya

"Well idk how to tell you this but- a voice recording of you and mikey talking has been leaked and apparently you said you got involved in very bad stuff but they don't know yet about your mafia" he replied

"This was yesterday there was no one except me and mi-key" her voice was getting slower by evey word she said

"I'm sorry to inform you this but the person who leaked this may be mikey" he said in a sorry voice

"NO no no I can't be real mikey could never do something like that,I trust him" she was denying it

"Y/n we don't have much time left meet me at your house immediately!" He then hung up the call

Y/n left without telling anyone
While she's on her way home mikey called her

"Y/n where are you I couldn't find you anywhere!" Mikey said as soon as she picked up

"Mikey im sorry I couldn't tell you but I'm now going to do what I told you" she said

"Its fine, good luck with that and don't forget to send me your location as soon as you arrive okay?" He added

"Yeah sure" she said as she hung up and continued driving to her house


"Shoya!"She walked towards shoya who was standing next to the door

She opened the door and they went inside

"Shoya it can't be mikey!" She told him

"Then who else was their if you saw anyone than its probably not him but your saying you two were the only ones their" he replied

Y/n couldn't handle this truth as she didn't reply

"Come on y/n pack your things you have to go!" He reminded her

"Why don't I just tell the police what I did isn't it better than hiding!" She said

"You can't do that if you go to prison all of the other members will go too , those members put their trust into you when you agreed on being their boss" he said

Reality hit y/n as she went to her room and packed few stuff with her


On the way to her hideout

"Y/n I think you should through your phone so they don't track us" shoya said to y/n who was sitting at the back emotionlessly

"I'll send chifuyu a message that I'll go to Newyork for a week or two for education purposes so he don't get worried" she replied before sending the message and throughing her phone out of the window

"I can't believe mikey betrayed me like that" she said in a lowered voice while tears fell down her face...

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