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Mikey's pov

I waited patiently at the hospital for some doctor to come out

But hours has past and she's still in the emergency room

"Excuse me sir, who are you waiting for?" A nurse asked me

"L/n y/n she's still in the emergency room, do you know when will they come out?" I asked her

"Sorry but I don't know, are you related to her? Since we got some papers that a relative of her gotta sign"

"No.. I'm not related to her family and don't waist your time searching for someone, she doesn't have anyone..." I mumbled out

The nurse must have felt my pain while saying those words so she said something and then left

After a few minutes takemitchy along with his girlfriend, draken, mitsuya and izana had arrived

They didn't try to ask me anything, I didn't wanna talk either

We were all waiting silently

"Mikey" takemitchy and I looked at him

"Remember when draken-kun was in the emergency room and we were all worried about him but you just that he's strong and could make it out alive in which he did... y/n is  a strong girl too, let's have some faith in her" he continued

"Yeah she will be okay" draken added as he teared up a little

I stayed silent, but suddenly izana sat behind me

"You still want her in your life right?" Izana said to me

Yes I did

This I'd the only thing I can't lie to myself about

I did want her in my life, even if she wasn't my gf, I still wanted to see her face from time to time.

I nodded to izana

He smiled at me and put his hand on my shoulder "then don't give up on her, she'll probably make it"

I don't know if I should talk or reply to him or not

I pushed my friends away 2 years ago, but turned out they still wanted me to be with them

Even after all the things I've done to them, they were still here by my side, I don't deserve these guys

"You know mikey we forgave you a long time ago, honestly we weren't mad at you to forgive you, and your always welcomed if you wanna get back to us" draken smiled at me

A single tear dropped down my eye

"Even after all the things I've done for you guys...It doesn't matter anymore I failed to protect y/n again" I replied

"Mikey it's not your fault-" draken was interrupted when the doctor came out

We all stood up

"How is y/n?" Takemichi asked him

"She gotta a hit on her head and ws stabbed but miraculously this girl survived, but she still hasn't woken up it may take her some time to wake up" the doctor said and they all cheered in happiness

"Can I come in and see her?" I asked the doctor

" you can't now but tomorrow will be okay, now why don't you all go and restore doctor replied

I was more than relieved that y/n didn't die, I couldn't have  forgive myself if she did

I wanted another chance to fix what I did

I wanted to start a new life were we all be living happily

I'm glad you survived y/n...


3 months later

I was sitting on some rocks while facing the sea, and ken-chin was with me

"Ken-chin let's go back to visit y/n" I said to him

"Huh? But we just left!" He replied

"But what if she wakes up?"

"Wait maybe your right, I still haven't prepared what I'm gonna say to her when she wakes up" I told him

He put his hand on my shoulder "mikey you don't have to prepare anything just say what your heart want you to"

"But I have nothing in my mind"

"Ofc you don't, you haven't seen her awake yet, when you see her eyes the words will just come out of your mouth


My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now