im sorry

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"Chifuyu I don't think you understand he didn't believe me.ME who is his girlfriend " y/n shouted at chifuyu

"Well you kinda have a point but why of all people did you hang out with annoying hanma" chifuyu said

"Ugh just forget it let's go to the park draken is waiting for us their"y/n said


*at the park*

"Oh draken is over their"y/n said to chifuyu As they went to where draken was

"Oh ohayo y/n-san and chifuyu"draken welcomed them

"Ohayo ken-chen"y/n said smiling then her smile faded away when she saw mikey behind him

"Mikey-kun!" Chifuyu said surprised as y/n turned her head when she saw him

"Draken you brought him here even tho you probably know I'm mad at him"y/n said angerly as draken was disappointed by her reaction

"Hey y/n let's talk didn't you tell me to talk about it later and now I the perfect time"mikey said heading towards y/n

"Fine let's go sit their and talk"y/n replied as she walked to the bench nearby followed by mikey

"So we have to stay standing here?"chifuyu asked draken

" know what let's go spy on them"draken replied as they hid behind a tree


"Y/n"mikey said breaking the silence as y/n looked at him

"I- when I saw that photo of you two too close to each other I got angry and I didn't mean what I said yesterday "mieky continued

"Manjiro Ik you don't like hanma and neither do I but I just didn't want to be rude and refuse to hang out with him as friends. But that pic its fake we weren't close to each other that much!" Y/n said

"I belive you y/n I knew you wouldn't like that annoying hanma ,but the real question here is who faked that pic ,that basterd just wait till I find him"mikey replied

"I'm sorry y/n I really am for making you think I don't belive or trust you"mikey continued

"I'm sorry too for not telling you before...I guess we're even know"y/n said as mikey hugged her

Y/n was shocked but she hugged him back

"Even tho its been just a day but I missed you so much, I can't bear seeing you sad" mikey said as he smelled her
"I missed that smell of yours too" he continued

Y/n was blushing so hard by that

Suddenly chifuyu and draken shouted in disgust "you two should go get a room They both said at the same time

"You two where spying on us"y/n shouted at them

''Well it's your problem then"mikey continued

"Ugh let's go chifuyu"draken finally said as chifuyu followed him

"Hahah"y/n and mikey laughed together

"I love you manjiro"y/n said laying her head at mikeys shoulder

"I love you too" mikey whispered to her

End of chapter
Hope you like this one<3

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