the future we wanted

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Takemichi's pov

It's been a week since y/n has gone to NY

Everything seems to be going fine

Mikey is happy with the others although I can feel he misses her


"So that's it, your going back to the future" mikey said to me

I nodded "Yeah everything looks fine so hopefully it will stay like that in the future"

Mikey handed his hand to me

"Okay then see you in 12 years" he said to me

"Hai" I shaked his hand


(10 years later)
Takemichi's pov

"Seems like I'm in the future again" I sighed

I will accept whatever is happening here, I've done my best and I'm probably not going back again

Suddenly someone called my name

"Takemichi hurry up the wedding is starting!" Chifuyu said as he ran towards me

Wait, did he say wedding? Is one of my friends getting married?

"Chifuyu...I back" I said to him

For a sec he looked confused but quickly realised

He hugged me

"We gotta go now" he dragged me

Why the rush hehe?


"Stand here" chifuyu told me

I was confused

Is someone having some kind of tradition wedding

I stood at teh place chifuyu led me to and he sat down on a chair

Suddenly I saw hina

But no it wasn't just hina

It was hina wearing a wedding dress!!

Is this happening fr?!!!



My eyes teared up at the sight of her

She smiled at me and walked towards me


Everyone cheered as me and hina both said yes and were now married

I was so happy

But then...where is mikey and y/n?


After few minutes we all sat and some of us danced, it was all so great except that I couldn't help myself and question where are mikey and y/n

Ik y/n had left in the past but she must have took a flight to attend my wedding right?

My question was soon answered when I heard a sound of a car pulling outside

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