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Mikeys pov

I finally got away from the shock

"Y/n.." I was about to say something when I saw a little blood falling down her stomach

No one else seemed to notice, I was about to say something to her when she suddenly went to the bathroom

Idk why but I felt myself walking towards her, ofc I wasn't entering the girls bathroom but will just wait outside so we can talk alone

As I was walking towards the bathroom I heard y/n saying "Sh*t", I could hear her heavily breathing since I had a great hearing ability

The door was opened alittle, I saw blood on the floor through that little opening and there also seem no girls beside her inside
That's when I decided to enter

As I entered I saw y/n's jacket on the floor and through her croptop i could see were the bleeding was coming from that was hid before with that jacket

"Y/n are you okay?!!" I rushed to her

She was surprised to see me
"What are you doing in the girls bathroom?!" She said to me

"That doesn't matter now, why is their blood all over your stomach and hands?" I asked her

"Stop questioning me ! It's just a piece of stucked glass that I almost got stabbed in few minutes ago before the party, now go don't you see I'm trying to take it off!" She shouted at me

I rolled my eyes "here let me help"
She was about to resist when I started slowly taking that piece of glass of her

She clenched her fist in pain as I finally removed it

It surprised me how she stayed still all that time while she had a piece of glass stuck on her stomach

We then washed our hands and she put on her jacket again

I was about to leave when she called me

"Why would you help me even though I'm your enemy?" She asked in a cold tone

Honestly I myself didn't know the answer, all these years I wouldn't imagine myself doing this to anyone let alone my enemy

"Its because I want to collab with your gang" I lied

"If that's so, I don't want to..are you going to kill me know?" She said trying to get on my nerves but I didn't reply

"I'm gonna end bonten and make you'll suffer just like I did before but this time you'll know it was me" she smirked at me

"I'll make you regret everything y/n, just wait and see" i said in an annoyed voice and walked out of the bathroom


"Mikey where were you?" Sanzu asked me

"Let's go" I said as they all followed me out

In the car:

"Y/n will be our target now, find me all the information about bratva" I said to sanzu as he nodded

"Boss it seems like they have been working secretly that's why we never heard of them" kakucho said


"Do you want us to kill y/n?" Sanzu suddenly asked me in a serious tone

"No" I could see him get pissed off

"We'll make her suffer first...then I'll be the one killing her" I continued

The others looked surprised but still didn't say anything

"So y/n..since mikey left and we're alone why don't we talk alittle" shoya said to me

"Shut up! Their is nothing for us to talk about" I replied as I started to walk away

"How is Lisa?" He smirked as he said that

I froze when I heard her name and slowly turned back
"H-how did you-"

"Oh come on you think I don't know about her" he smirked

"I suggest you spend as much time as possible with her- you know for the memories" he added

At this my blood was boiling with anger, I grabbed him by his shirt

"If you dare do anything to her I'll make sure to kill you with my own hands" I threatened him before going out of the party

~End of chapter~

So who do you think Lisa is??😏

⚠️The reason why shoya and y/n are enemies will be explained later⚠️

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