just sleep with me already

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"Anyways the reason why I came to your room is because I need clothes since I'm sleeping here and Emma is already asleep" y/n told mikey

"Dw y/n-san my clothes are all yours"mikey said while grabbing a hoodie and baggy pants and handing it to her

"Thank you majiro, now I'll go to the bathroom and change " y/n said as she went to the bathroom

*2mins later
Y/n got out of the bathroom with mikey's clothes

"Omg you look look even better than me in my clothes "mikey smiled at her

"Do I have to thank all day...now I'll go sleep at the couch "y/n said

"Theirs no way I'm letting you sleep their, now come and just sleep with me in my bed" mikey replied

"Manjiro!"y/n shouted

"Ugh fine but I'll sleep at the couch and you sleep in my bed"mikey said while laying at the couch

"Thank you manjiro" y/n replied as she layed in his bed

"Now go to sleep and have a sweet dreams" y/n blow him a kiss in the air

"Have a sweet dreams too y/n" mikey said

*next morining*

Y/n woke up and felt a hand on her waist she turned around and saw mikey sleeping with her while hugging her

"Holy shit what is he doing here" she thought as she faced him and put her hand on his cheek

"He looks so cute while sleeping" she thought as she kissed him on the cheek

"Goodmorning y/n-san" mikey said while waking up from her kiss

"Oh sorry did I wake u up" y/n asked

"Dw that was the best way to wake me up now let's go eat breakfast I'm sure Emma prepared food already"mieky replied

"Before that..weren't you supposed to sleep in the couch" y/n asked making an angry face

"Well about that you were mumbling my name while you were asleep so I thought you needed me, besides my back would hurt if I stayed their"mikey said playing with her cheeks

"Fine let's go and see emma" y/n said as she and mikey left his room

They walked into the kitchen and saw Emma and his grandpa their sitting at the table

"Oh y/n-chan I didn't know you were sleeping here,now come and join us"emma was surprised to see y/n

"Well you were sleeping so I didn't want to wake u up...oh and Goodmorning " y/n said to mikeys grandpa

"Goodmorning y/n I've heard alot about you come and eat breakfast with us"their grandpa said as y/n and mikey joined them

"Well y/n where did you sleep" Emma whispered to y/n

"On mikey's bed and don't get me wrong he slept in the couch" y/n lied to Emma not wanting to feel embarrassed

"Oh ok but next time when you have a sleepover at my house where gonna stay up all night watching movies"Emma said

"Yeah ofc" y/n replied

"Mikey why didn't you tell me your girlfriend is keisuke's twin, oh I miss that boy" his grandpa asked

"Ohh grandpa how did you know?"mikey said

"Do you think I'm stupid you can just tell by looking at her besides she had came to us once when you where kids" his grandpa replied

"Wait really?!"mikey and y/n both said at the same time

"Don't you two remember when you two ,baji and shinchiro played hide and seek and you got lost and y/n found u"his grandpa replied

"Oh that was you!!" They both said at the same time looking at each other in shock

"Y/n-san so you are my childhood love even tho I saw you once back then but when you rescued me I couldn't stop thinking about you. Omg how did I forget"mikey said in a happy tone

"That's weird cuz you were my first love too and I still don't know how I forgot you, I guess faith brought us back together " she said while she hugged mikey

"Now now you two let us finish our food first" Emma said jokingly as they all laughed.

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