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At toman's place*

"Yeah so now toman and yakuza made peace with tenjiku" y/n announced

"Great then I guess you guys are free to go" draken said to toman's members

"Y/n we all wanted to say we're sorry for how we treated you in the past and we hope you forgive us, you really proved yourself strong" one of toman's members said

Y/n smiled at him "it's okay now I forgive you all" she replied as the others cheered

Few minutes later they all left*

Mikey put his hand on y/n's shoulder

"Okay then since we're all in peace why don't we go and celebrate it?!!" He asked

"That sounds good" y/n and draken both said at the same time

Mikey laughed at how always they talk at the same time

"Ugh Ken-chin stop copying me!" Y/n said jokingly

"I should say that to you y/n" he replied as they all laughed

"Let's go now come on mitsuya, takemitchy and his girlfriend let's go" mikey sighed

"We're coming" takemichi and hinata said

They were all about to leave when y/n suddenly said "I need to go to the bathroom" she ran without hearing anyone's reply

"Well then you guys could go and we'll meet you at the restaurant, ill wait for y/n" mikey said to them

"Okay let's go hina" takemichi said to her

"OK see you their" hina waved at them

"Let's go too mitsuya " draken said as mitsuya nodded

"Don't be late mikey" they said before leaving

Mikey made an annoyed face as ik

Few minutes later and y/n hasn't shown up yet

Mikey was worried now and went to check up on her


"Y/n are you still there?" Mikey asked knocking at the bathroom door

"Yeah manjiro" y/n replied

"Oh sorry I just got worried ill be outside" mikey was about to go far away from the door

When suddenly y/n opened the bathroom door

"Mikey is hina still here?" She asked

"NO she left Few minutes ago with the others" he replied

"Oh shit" she said under her breath

"Wait why do you need anything?" Mikey asked her confused

"Well...since your the only one here I need you to get me something"she Lowerd her head with embarrassment

Mikey made a confused look

"Oh gosh this is so embarrassing" she said in a low voice

"I need you to buy me some pads" her face was red As a tomato as she said that

"I'll sure buy you some but the problem is idk what is this?" Mikey said

"Well I'm on my period and I usually have some in my bag but I didn't bring it today Oh shit my bad luck , just ask the store owner for some and he'll give you" she replied

"Oh and before I forget tell him you want the small size and most importantly tell him it's for your girlfriend so you don't get put in an embarrassing situation" she added

"That's alot to process but sure I'll go get you some" he tried to laugh it off

"Oh and I'm just curious is it some kind of food and what's a period?" He asked

Y/n hit her head

"Mikey I'll explain to you later but don't say stuff like this infront of anyone" she replied


Mikey went to the store

"Hey I'd like to get some pads for my gf" he asked the owner in a high voice

"Hey lower your voice" a female worker said

"I'll go get some but what size?" She asked

"Small" he replied

2mins later she arrived with them and mikey bought them


"Y/n I got you some" mikey ran towards her

"Thank you ,now wait for me outside " she took them from his hands

*a minute later she went outside with her jacket around her waist*

"Okay y/n you left me bumb founded now tell tell what this is about" mikey said

"Ouch my stomach it hurts so bad"y/n couldn't reply

"Y/n are you OK?" Mikey rushed to her

"Yeah yeah can you just take me home" she mumbled out

"NO let me take you to the hospital" mikey replied

Y/n glared at him

"Take me home" she repeted

"Okay okay" he replied


Few minutes later they were at her house

"I'll call the others and tell them we're not coming" mikey told y/n

"Hello ken-chin we can't come something urgent came so have fun without us" he said to the other person on the phone

Y/n layed on the couch holding her stomach

"Y/n you sure you don't need a doctor?" Mikey asked

"Yeah I'm sure it's just a period and it happens every month to girls " she replied

"But it's the first time I see like this even tho we met months ago" he said confused

"Yeah since I first got it the month we broke up" she replied angrly

"Chill y/n why are you angry?" Mikey asked

"You know what mikey I'm here saying my stomach hurts so badly and your asking me alot of questions, ofc I'll get angry" she made an Ugh look

"OK ok I'm sorry I'll go bring you something maybe some dorayakis?" He said

"NO mikey just stay here I'm not in the mood of eating anything " she replied

She then went to mikey and hugged him
"I'm sorry I got angry at you " she said

Mikey smiled "no need to be sorry y/n"

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