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Here's a quick reminder of who the characters are that I own beside y/n

[Shoya] past (y/n's right hand / yakuza's vice president)

Present  (yakuza the criminal organization leader)

[Luca] present ( bratva's nb2)

[Lisa] (y/n's adoptive daughter)

Back to the chapter

2 weeks later

"Y/n the yakuza knows that bratva and bonten are working together and their is a meeting at Bonten's hideout that we have to go to" luca said as he entered my office

"Ok I'll be ready soon and then we'll go their" I replied

"The meeting will end now, everyone can go" mikey said as everyone stood up from there seats

As everyone was leaving mikey shouted for someone

"What do you want mikey?" Y/n asked him

"In my office y/n" mikey simply replied as y/n followed him their

Ugh I couldn't wait for the meeting to end and now he's calling me, what does he want now

"I've noticed that you didn't pay attention to the meeting" her looked at her

"Sorry mikey I just got bored and couldn't concentrate" she replied and was about to leave again when he called  her AGAIN

"Ugh what now?!!" She asked him

Mikey walked close to her and cornered her

"What are you doing?! If your planing on repeating that boring meeting,  forget it" she tried to push him away but he didn't move an inch


I could feel his breath on my face
"Mikey what are you doing?" I nervously asked him

"Taking my answer " he replied

"Now tell me why did you leave 12 years ago? Was it because of me?" Mikey asked him

"Mikey it had nothing to do with you, it's just that...its my own problems" I turned my face away so I wouldn't face him

'' what problems" he asked with determined eyes

"I..I can't tell you" I finally pushed him successfully  away from me

Mikey looked pissed off and grabbed my face close to his

"I missed you" he whispered to my ear

I felt my cheeks burning

We both got lost in each others gaze and we were nearly about to kiss when suddenly my phone rang

It brought me back to my senses and I  went to grab the phone to see whose calling

"Hey luca" I said as I opened the call

"Y/n..." his voice sounded teary

"What's going on?!!" I asked him

"Bratva's hideout that you live in...well  the Yakuza found out where you are living and set it on fire, we manged to get Lisa out of their but it was late since she was already unconscious and were at the hospital now" luca replied in a nervous tone

"What but Lisa's lungs couldn't possibly mange through the fire... send me the location" I hang up the call and rushed away negative thoughts from my head

Mikey had heard everything

I was running towards the exit when I saw mikey on his car pulled infront of me

"Get in!" He said to me as I hurriedly did

On our way to the hospital I was making calls to bring the best doctors to that hospital as soon as possible


Few minutes later we arrived and I got out of the car and mikey just followed me

I entered the hospital and went to find the room that she was in

As I was searching ,I saw luca talking with the doctor and I immediately rushed to them

"How is she?!!" I immediately asked the doctor

"How are you Ms?" The doctor asked

"Just answer me I'm her mother" I shouted at him

The doctor's expression then changed into a sad one

"Oh so your y/n, *taking a beep breath* I'm sorry to inform you but your daughter had passed away few minutes ago" he said lowering his head


I felt my world shattering into pieces

"No" I muttered out

"Y/n-" mikey was cut off by me

"She can not die yet" I continued as I walked into the room that she was in

Lisa was covered with a white blanket
Her body was cold......

"Lisa!Lisa! Wake up!" I tried shaking her to wake up

Doctors entered and they tried to hold me back

"Ms y/n please stop!" One of the doctors said

"Don't you dare touch me with those stupid hands that couldn't save my daughter " I shouted at him

Mikey's pov

I was brought back to my senses when y/n shouted at the doctor

I entered the room and snatched y/n away from the doctors who were trying to stop her

"Get away from me-" y/n was about to shout at me but I hugged her

"It will be alright y/n" I tried to assure her

I could feel her crying and sobbing on my shoulder 

"Let it all out" I whispered to her as she hugged me tightly

"LISAAAAAAA!!" She screamed Lisa's name

Few weeks later

"Have you gotten anything new about her?" I asked sanzu

"Yeah boss and I'm sure this will make you happy~" sanzu replied

"JUST SAY IT!" I couldn't be patient

"Okay okay, I found out that y/n disbanded bratva and now we're officially number 1 criminal organization in japan" sanzu said cheerfully

"You idiot! I thought you found her!" I was disappointed by this

Yes y/n disappeared ever since the day Lisa died and mikey has been looking for her ever since but he still hasn't found her

"But boss why do you care about her?didn't you want to make her suffer for what she did to you?or you just want me to find her so you can finally kill her?" Sanzu asked

"Shut up sanzu and do as I ordered you!" I turned away

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