Stitches (nammin)

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Jimin was always the new kid at every school. His dad's position in the military required his family to move at least once every year. He never bothered to talk to anyone more than necessary, though he had made a few friends in the past. They usually talked over the phone daily.

Starting at a new school in the middle of the year was always the hardest, but it couldn't be helped. He swung his bag onto his back and headed to the office for his schedule. She also handed him a school map to help him find his classes.

He waited in the half-empty cafeteria and looked at the map before the first bell. A group of boys in ankle socks and basketball shorts snatched the paper from his hands. 

"Look! New kids got pink hair!"

"Pink hair's for babies and gays."

"He looks like a gay baby." Jimin rolled his eyes and sauntered off to the main office.

"Could I have another map? Some other kids took mine."

"Unfortunately, I don't have another paper copy. However..." Jimin looked around while she pulled out a pad of sticky notes. He spotted a boy sitting in a room down the hall. The woman stuck a note to the table and handed him a pen.

"If you leave your email I can send you one." I don't know why you can't just print another one but okay. He left her his email and made his way to his first class.

Over Jimin's first few weeks at this new school, he faced bullying worse than he'd ever experienced. He constantly blamed the bruises on gym class or accidents on his mother. Today was the worst by far.

They caught him just as he stepped through the doors, dragging him to the side of the building with no cameras. This time, they'd acquired a knife. 

Jimin was left to his own devices after the beating. He hugged his knees and hid his face in his arms. Why me? Everything is so hard. He sobbed. I can't do this anymore. Someone nudged his foot. Jimin looked up in surprise and immediately scrubbed away his tears. 

"Jisung's gang get you again?" Jimin nodded silently, feeling stupid for letting someone see him this way. The boy extended a hand, but Jimin shook his head and laid his head back down. Tucking a hand under either arm, the boy pulled Jimin to his feet. Jimin let out a grunt of pain, covering where his shirt was soaked with blood.

"Let's assess the damage." He lifted Jimin's shirt and looked at the cuts underneath.

"You'll need those stitched up." Jimin groaned. The boy cracked an odd smile and gently pushed him toward a stray picnic table. 

"You don't gotta tell your parents. I'll stitch you up." Jimin lay on the table at watched as the other sat beside him a pulled supplies from his bag. 

"Not gonna lie, it'll probably hurt like a bitch." Jimin shrugged and the other began his work.

"Name's Namjoon by the way. Figured you'd wanna know since I'm all up in your business." 

"Jimin." The only sign he gave that he was in pain was the slight tightening of his brow, making Namjoon smile.

"There's no shame in crying or showing your pain. Don't be one of those kids who punches drywall as a pastime." Jimin chuckled. 

"I'll do my best."

"Alright, that'll do it. Just keep an eye for infection obviously. See you 'round."

"Yeah. See you."

Jimin stumbled home and raced up to his room to change before his mother could catch him. He went into the bathroom and applied ointment to his stomach before heading downstairs.

"Hey, honey how was school?"

"Same as always." She nodded. 

"What do you feel like for dinner?"


"Sounds good." Jimin grabbed an apple from the fridge and headed back upstairs. 

The next day, Jisung's group caught him before he even made it into the school building. From the first kick, he could feel that his stitches had ripped. He rested his forehead on the brick and took a deep breath before staggering inside. He spotted Namjoon in a small group of people down the hall. Biting his lip, Jimin hovered nervously beside them.

"He what up? You doing okay?"

"Popped a stitch," Jimin replied tightly.

"You don't look so good." Someone commented. Namjoon took his arm and lead him into the bathroom.

"Alright let's see." He lifted Jimin's shirt.

"Jesus, what did you do? You ripped the thread right through your skin." Namjoon frowned at the newly formed bruise on his chest. 

"You know, if you stick with us they won't bother you anymore." Jimin shrugged. Sighing, Namjoon ruffled through his bag.

"I'll have to glue you up instead. Lucky for you it doesn't hurt at all."

"Why didn't you do that before~" Namjoon smiled ryly.

"Stitches have a better chance of healing in my experience." Namjoon applied the glue and pressed the skin together before capping the glue and throwing it in his bag. He then wiped the sweat from Jimin's forehead and fixed his hair.

"There. Good as new." Jimin smiled.


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