Day Off (namseok) (little space)

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"Joon?" Hoseok leaned against the door frame, arms crossed comfortably. The younger retracted his hand from his hair, pulling out knots and tangles in the process. He looked up with tired eyes.


"Jin says dinner's ready."

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit." Turning back to his desk, he picked up a pencil and scribbled down notes from his computer. 

"Come on." Hoseok stepped into the room and snapped the computer shut, taking Namjoon's arm and practically dragging him into the kitchen. Namjoon scoffed down a couple of bites before rushing into his office, shutting the door. Collapsing into his chair, Namjoon sighed and picked up a pen, already working again.  

Finally, almost six hours later, Namjoon pushed away his work and headed to bed. He left the office and clambered down the hall, barely able to stand.

"Joonie?" Hoseok called from his room. The younger poked his head in.

"Yeah, Hyung?"

"Come here." He pulled back the warm covers and moved over. Namjoon settled next to him, letting the older tuck the blankets around him.

"What are you working on so late?"

"Just lyric stuff. I haven't had much time to write with practice and English lessons."

"You should take a break tomorrow." He whispered, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's waist and bringing the younger's head to his chest. 

"I still have a lot to do."

"You'll be more productive if you take care of yourself." He offered. "And we can always help you out. I'm sure none of us will mind."

"I'm the leader. You don't need to help me." Hoseok ran his fingers through Namjoon's hair, carefully combing through the tangles.

"You can always ask for help. It's okay." But his words fell on deaf ears and the younger drooped in his embrace, snoring peacefully. Hoseok reached into Namjoon's pocket and pulled out his phone, shutting down all the alarms before putting it on the nightstand.

Namjoon awoke slowly the next morning, blinking in the sunlight. Wait... He jumped up, grabbing his phone and checking the time. 

"Oh no." He sprinted down the hall, nearly running over Hoseok whose hands were full of plates. 

"Joon? What're you in a rush for?"

"I have to- I have to write more and practice more and-"


"Huh?" He looked up, confused, and breathing heavily. 

"Come with me back to my room."

"No! I have to-"

"No. You don't. You're on official orders to relax today."

"Official orders from who?!?"

"Me." Namjoon looked at him incredulously. 

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope. Let's go." The younger scuffed his feet all the way back, following Hoseok's orders to sit back on the bed. He set a plate down on the comforter.

"Now eat." Reluctantly, Namjoon picked up a fork and ate the meal. When he was finished, Hoseok took the plates and stacked them on the dresser. He nestled himself against the headboard.

"C'mere." Namjoon crawled into his lap and rested his head on the other's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Hoseok's hands drew lazy circles on his back.

"I want to try something." He pulled the other up, their faces close. The elder looked over him with soft eyes. 

"It's okay to feel small." Namjoon knew what this meant. They'd tried it before.

"I don't think-"

"Shh. I know you're stressed. Just try it." The younger sighed, giving in. Smiling softly, Hoseok pulled a paci from his nightstand and rested it on Namjoon's bottom lip, letting him take it on his own. He whined lowly as the older hugged him closer. The younger felt everything go fuzzy and he shook his head violently.

"Hey, hey, hey." Two hands cupped Namjoon's cheeks.

"It's okay. I've got you." Namjoon thrust his head into Hoseok's neck, cheeks flaming. 

"My little boy." He whispered proudly, combing a hand through the little's hair, and lulling him to sleep. 

Namjoon woke up again a couple of hours later, in someones else's arms. He whined and pushed against the stranger's chest, spitting out the pacifier.

"Hey, now. We wouldn't want you falling." Arm's tightened around his waist and pulled him closer. Namjoon looked up. Jin. He whined and pushed back again. No, no, no.

"You dropped this." Jin held the pacifier out to him. The little shook his head and pushed his hand away.

"I know you miss him, but your Daddy's in a meeting. You'll have to wait a little bit."


"Here." This time, Namjoon took the paci and stuck it in his mouth, resting his head on Jin's chest. 

"There you go. Do you want to watch some T.V?" The little nodded.

"Alright," He whispered, switching on cartoons. Some episodes later, they heard the front door open. 

"Your Daddy's home, bud." He set Namjoon on his feet. "Go get him." The little raced to the kitchen, nearly throwing himself at Hoseok.

"Hey there. I didn't think you'd still feel small if I left." Picking Namjoon up, he quickly toed off his shoes and carried the little to his bedroom. Namjoon wrapped his arms around the elder's neck and whispered in his ear.

"Thank you, Daddy."

"Always, baby."

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