Disruptive Drunk Neighbors (yoonjin)

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Yoongi hunched over his work desk, typing and clicking frantically at his laptop. Dark purple eye bags shadowed his eyes as the hours ticked by. Next door, Jin and his roommate were having a breakup party. It was a strange concept, but since Jin's had his first heartbreak, it had become a tradition. Whenever either Jin or his roommate got rejected, they would stay up late into the night and drink their feelings. 

Jin cackled loudly, clapping Hoseok on the back. "I can't believe she didn't want me back! I'm flawless, just look at me!" The younger agreed. Cheap bottles of beer littered the apartment. Hoseok playfully shoved the older aside, getting up for another bottle. Completely wasted, Jin stumbled back and fell heavily into the wall. 

On the other side, Yoongi was trying to work. The pairs bass-boosted music pumped through the thin walls and into Yoongi's head. He pulled at his hair in frustration.

"God, can you just shut up?!?" He began to work again, cutting and dragging the segments together into a song. A loud thump disrupted him again, followed by drunken laughter. Angry and annoyed, Yoongi pushed back from his desk and headed next door.

He knocked on the door and waited impatiently. Jin swung open the door, his smile faltering. Leaning against the doorway, the older shamelessly looked the other over. 

"Whatcha doin' here, hotshot?" Yoongi groaned internally. Hoseok cackled from inside.

"Do you guys mind keeping it down? I'm trying to work." Jin scoffed.

"You can't be working this late." He latched onto the younger's wrist and pulled him inside. 

"Join us." Yoongi panicked slightly as he lurched inside, the heavy door shutting behind him. Jin pulled him forward, snickering.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Hoseok slurred.

"Caught us a pretty one." The oldest boasted, slinging an arm around Yoongi's waist. Yoongi slithered away in disgust.

"I'm not a 'pretty one'," Jin smirked and leaned in, his drunken breath dusting the younger's face. 

"Oh, but you are. You're the prettiest I've seen." Yoongi couldn't help the blush that overtook his cheeks. 

"Awh, The kitty's blushing!" Jin pouted and covered Yoongi's face from Hoseok's view.

"Only I should get to see my kitten's flustered face."

~Many hours later~

Yoongi leaned back on the couch, checking his phone. 

"I should get back to my apartment." Getting to his feet, he headed to the door.

"Let me walk you!" Jin followed.

"No, that's-"

"Let's go." The older pulled open the door and ushered Yoongi into the hallway. They walked the two steps to Yoongi's door together. Unlocking the door, Yoongi stepped inside. Jin stood awkwardly in the hall.

"Thanks for tonight, I guess."

"Yeah, I had a good time." Jin held out a slip of paper, bolting once Yoongi took it. The younger watched with raised eyebrows and a small smile. 

"Okay..." He unfolded the paper. 

I wasn't kidding, you are a pretty one. Call me:

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