Breathe (pt. 2) (yoonkook)

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The next weekend, Jungkook's parties resumed as normal. Although, now Yoongi made an appearance. The elder ducked his head as Jungkook bumped his shoulder.

"Relax, hyung. Have some fun." Yoongi smiled.

"Right." Jungkook handed him a cup. Taking a sniff, Yoongi scrunched his nose and passed it back. Chuckling, the younger wandered off into the crowd. Yoongi glanced around, finding a relatively secluded spot in the corner. He scurried over and leaned away from the crowd, slipping under the drink table next to him. Heavy bass and electric guitar filled his head. Leaning back, Yoongi closed his eyes and let out a breath. 

"Hey, oh! Yoongi hyung."

"Jungkook! Um, hi." He smiled sheepishly.

"What're you doing under here?" The younger asked, sliding into the spot next to him, their thighs and shoulders pressed together. 

"Well, parties aren't really my thing so..." 

"You didn't have to come, you could've stayed home."

"I didn't want to disappoint you." Chuckling lightly, Jungkook rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"You wouldn't have disappointed me. It's okay." 

"I'm sorry." Jungkook shrugged.

"Don't be." They lapsed into comfortable silence. Yoongi yawned and closed his eyes, resting his head against the table leg. The younger laughed.



"You can go home if you want."

"I'm too comfy to move." Shaking his head, he scooted out from under the table.

"Come on, hyung. Let's go home." The elder took his head and let himself be guided down the street. Jungkook took his house key from Yoongi's pocket and unlocked the door, leading him up the stairs. Yoongi collapsed, eliciting a laugh from the younger.

"Will you be okay to sleep in that?" Jungkook asked, pulling off Yoongi's shoes.

"Yeah, I don't care." He mumbled, climbing under the comforter. 

"Do you need anything else from me?" 

"Come sleep with me." The younger studied Yoongi's face. The elder's eyes opened and stared expectantly.

"Okay." Peeling off his shoes, Jungkook laid next to Yoongi. The elder sighed, turning on his side and pulling the younger tightly against him.

"'Night, hyung."

"Goodnight Kookie."

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