Isolation (taejin)

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Taehyung laughed loudly, gasping to catch his breath. He stood up and headed to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. The rest of the group was scattered throughout the living room on various pieces of furniture telling jokes together. Taehyung watched from the counter as they leaned their heads together, whispering and chuckling. Frowning into his cup, a heaviness burrowed into his chest leaving a hollow tunnel. He sighed and trudged to his bedroom, leaving his water behind.

Jin watched as the younger walked passed the doorway, his shoulders slumped. The younger shut his bedroom door and collapsed on the bed. Jin knocked on the door.

"Not right now." Tae mumbled.

"It's Jin." Letting out a huff, the younger silently hoped Jin would leave. The elder slowly opened the door. 



"Are you alright?" Moments of silence passed.

"Can you please go away?" The elder sat on the edge of the bed, gently smoothing a hand over Taehyungs hair.

"Not until you talk to me."

"I'm just sad." Jin continued to rub the other's head and shoulder as he talked.

"Okay. What do you want to do about it, hm? Talk it out, sleep it off, distract yourself?"


"We can do that." Laying down, Jin made sure to leave some space between them and got comfortable. Finally, after what felt like an hour, the younger turned to face him. Jin smiled softly.

"Why are you here?"

"You seemed really down, I didn't want you to be alone."

"I want to be alone."

"No you don't." Taehyung met his gaze in surprise. 

"You know how I know?" The younger shook his head.

"No one really wants to be alone when they're hurting. They just want to isolate themselves because they think they are burdening others."

"I hate how right that is," Taehyung mumbled. Jin sat up against the headboard and let the younger rest his head in his lap. Turning on some crime show, the two laid in bed until the next morning.

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