Robbed (taemin)

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Jimin signed, setting down his work bag and resting his hands on his hips. His neighbor came up the stairs behind him.

"Hey... Where's your front door?"

"Oh! Well, I'm trying this new thing. If it doesn't make you happy then get rid of it."

"I think I'd be pretty happy with a front door."

"Yeah. I'm not sure a door is something I would steal from somebody."

"Well, maybe they couldn't pick the lock- were you robbed?" Taehyung stepped into the apartment and looked around warily.

"I don't know if I would call it that. I was just needing a good clean out."

"A clean-out is different than all your things going missing."

"The room looks better without furniture, don't you think? It's nice and spacious."

"There's a difference between being positive in a situation and being delusional. I think you need to call the police." Jimin smiled as he meandered through the living room.

"Maybe I should try minimalism while I'm at it. I always thought this place was too cluttered."

"Come on. Let's go."

"What- where are we going?"

"To my apartment. You can't stay here."

"Why not? It's perfectly fine. I think they left my mattress."

"I'm not letting you sleep on a bare mattress with no front door and no locks. Come on now, you can borrow some of my things." Jimin pouted but was internally grateful. I don't want me to sleep here either. Taehyung and Jimin often left for work at the same time and had helped each other out in a crisis many times, whether they needed a ride to work in the rain or a test tester for a meal experiment; they had formed quite the bond.
Taehyung unlocked his apartment and pulled Jimin in behind him.
"Did you grab your work bag?"

"No, you pulled me out before I could!"

"Alright, I'll go get it. take off your shoes and settle in." The door shut behind him and Jimin was left alone. Sighing into the silence- he carelessly toed off his shoes and pushed them into the corner. Taehyung unlocked the door and stepped back inside. After dropping his keys into the bowl on the counter, he left his shoes neatly in the doorway and handed Jimin his bag.

"I also grabbed your charger and your switch and tucked them in there." He nodded toward the bag in his hand. "I don't know why they left it but it was right there on the floor. Not really a safe place for it but you know." He shrugged and continued walking into the house.

"Really, it's alright you didn't have to do that. If they left it the first time I'm sure it would have been fine." Taehyung shook his head.

"I'm not wrong!" He said loudly. Taehyung entered the kitchen and set a pot of water to boil. He tied an old stained apron around his waist and tugged the strap over his head.

"Jimin." He turned around and set his hands on the elder's shoulders. "It's fine to be frustrated or angry that your things were taken. It sucks and that's okay." Jimin immediately quieted. He couldn't even find something to say. Tae flashed him a bittersweet smile and gently turned him around.

"My room is just down the hall. It's the only one with the door closed," He said gently. "Go on and have a moment to yourself. Pick out some clothes and take a shower, towels are in the cabinet." Jimin nodded and padded down the hall. He hesitantly opened the door and peeked inside. It's so unbelievable Taehyung. All the furniture was wooden, and a fluffy beige carpet took hold of the floor. There were a couple of potted plants sitting in the window. A couple of brass instruments sat in the corner waiting to be played.
Glancing back, Jimin made sure Taehyung was preoccupied before stepping in. He left the door slightly open. He opened the door on the opposite wall and came face to face with an array of clothing. Wringing his hands awkwardly, Jimin pulled a yellow t-shirt from its hanger and took a black pair of pants from the shelf. If only my closet was this organized.
Taehyung poured a box of pasta into the boiling water and gave it a brisk stir. He wiped his hands on his apron, fished his phone out of his pocket, and took a seat at the table. He could hear the shower running faintly down the hall. At least he didn't get lost.

Jimin folded his clothes and left them with his work bag by the door and joined Taehyung in the kitchen.

"Here, I just made you a plate."

"Oh, thank you." Taehyung blushed and handed him the plate of pasta. He'd always thought Jimin was gorgeous, who wouldn't, but with damp hair and no make up-it seemed so domestic. He scooped some pasta onto another plate and carried it into the living room.

"Come on we can watch a movie while we eat."

"Don't you want to get changed first?" The elder asked timidly. I feel weird being the only one in comfy clothes.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be right back." Taehyung abandoned his food on the coffee table and hurried off to the bedroom. Jimin shuffled his feet awkwardly as he waited for him to come back.

"You didn't have to wait... go on sit wherever. I'm not picky about eating on the furniture." Jimin nodded and perched on the edge of the sofa. Taehyung shook his head as he switched on the t.v.

"Don't look so uncomfortable, geez."

"Sorry," Jimin blushed and tucked himself into the corner. They settled into a comfortable rhythm: take a bite, chew, laugh at a bad joke on t.v, swallow. Once they had both finished, Jimin collected their plates and carried them to the kitchen.

"Just pop them in the dishwasher, I'll run it later." Jimin did as he was asked and returned to his spot. Taehyung cleared his throat before facing him.

"About earlier, I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything. I just- all your stuff was taken you were being so okay with it." Jimin sniffled and turned away.

"No, no I didn't mean to make you upset. I just- oh, I'm sorry."

"I can't believe I'm crying." The elder muttered, wiping his eyes.

"Here, I'll get you tissues or... something." Taehyung stood but Jimin caught his wrist.

"Can we please go to bed?"

"Yeah. Yeah of course. Do you need water or anything?" Jimin shook his head.

"Okay, come on you can take the bed." Jimin let his hand drop and followed the younger.

"The sheets are clean. Just make yourself comfortable. I'll be in the living room if you need anything come and get me."

"Can... can you stay in here with me?"

"You want me to? I can, but we'll have to share the bed. If I get down on the ground I won't be able to get back up." Jimin let out a shaky laugh.

"Go on and get comfy, I'll get the lights." Jimin climbed onto the mattress and scooted to the right, pulling the comforter to his waist. Taehyung flicked the switch and followed suit. The pair lay down facing each other.



"Do you think the people who robbed me will come back?"

"I think they found what they were looking for so they shouldn't have a reason to." Jimin moved closer.

"I'm scared they will." Taehyung moved closer and bumped their noses together.

"I'll protect you if they do decide to show up." Jimin pulled the covers up to his chin, feeling like a kid scared of a thunderstorm.

"Can you check under the bed?" He regretted it the moment he said it. But Taehyung got up without another word and switched on the lights. Jimin sat up with the covers tight around his shoulders. The younger knelt and looked under the bed.

"Nothing but an embarrassingly high number of dust bunnies." He stood up, knees cracking. Instead of turning out the light, he opened the closet and rifled around inside.

"No one in here either. Anywhere else?" Jimin chewed his thumbnail before pointing to the window. Taehyung marched over, pushing aside the curtains. He opened the windows and called out.

"Go away mister boogeyman!!!" Jimin giggled. The younger slammed the window shut and threw the curtains closed. He shut off the light and crawled back into bed.

"All better?"

"All better."

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