Disruptive Drunk Neighbors pt. 2(yoonjin)

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Yoongi hung up the phone, smiling widely. The clock blinked 4:00 AM, but he rose from his bed and went to the shower. Once clean, he dried off and dressed in comfortable clothes, putting the teapot on the stove. He stirred the water gently as it brewed, waiting for it to reach a darker color. Then he poured in a bit of honey.

The warm drink comforted his throat and head after the alcohol. He grinned at the memory, Jin's goofy actions taking over his mind. He scrolled through his laptop as he drank, trying to finish the work he'd missed last night. His eyelids began to close on their own, it'd been a long time since he'd pulled an all-nighter. Finally, he put the laptop on the coffee table and laid down on the couch.

"Hello?" Yoongi blinked slowly. "Oh, sorry." Jin walked closer. "Your door was open and I didn't hear you leave. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." 

"Yeah," The younger waved a hand dismissively, sitting up. "I'm fine."

"Really? Cause you sound, and look, like the dead."

"Gee, thanks. First, you break-in and now you're insulting me."

"No, no. That's not what I meant. I mean, let me treat you. As a thanks for last night."

"It's alright. Don't worry about it."

"Please? I know we were bothering you. And I probably said things I shouldn't have." He rubbed his neck nervously under Yoongi's gaze. A moment of silence passed.

"At least let me make you breakfast."

"Okay, okay fine."

"Thank you!" He rushed Yoongi to his feet and dragged him back to his apartment.

"Here," he pulled out a wooden stool. "Sit." Yoongi sat and shyly looked around the place. It was spotless and clean, smelling of citrus. Jin hummed absent-mindedly, gathering pans and different ingredients.

"You're very quiet." He commented softly. Yoongi blushed and swung his legs, his feet at least an inch off the ground. 

"Sorry," He gushed.

"It's alright. You just didn't seem to quiet over the phone this morning." Now it was Yoongi's turn to be embarrassed. He tucked his hands under his thighs.

"I don't really do well with people." He shrugged, looking down.

"Don't worry about it. No stress." He started humming again, making the silence comfortable. Now that the other was concentrated on his task, Yoongi let his shoulders relax, letting out the breath he was holding. Jin slipped him a small smile, cracking an egg into the pan with one hand, throwing in spices with the other. Yoongi watched curiously, sitting straight in his seat. 

"You can come over here- if you want to see." The younger slid off the seat, walking around the counter. He watched the pan with wide eyes. Jin chuckled.

"Come on." He held out a hand. Clasping their hands together, Yoongi was pulled gently forward until he was in front of the stove. 

"See?" Jin stepped behind him and rested his chin on Yoongi's shoulder. The oil popped, causing Yoongi to jump backward. Jin chuckled again and lowered the temperature.

"It won't burn you, don't worry. Do you want to flip it?" Yoongi shook his head violently and stepped away. Smiling softly, Jin quickly flipped the egg. The younger tucked his hands into his pockets, goosebumps dotting his arms. Jin watched him with worried eyes.

"Cold?" He hastily shook his head, despite the shivering.

"I'm alright."

"C'mere." Jin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's shoulder and pulled him close. Slowly, Yoongi extracted his hands from his pockets and rested them around the other's middle. Jin tightened his grip, smiling when the younger nuzzled into the warmth of his chest. 

"I'll get you a sweatshirt, okay?" He whispered. Yoongi nodded, taking a seat at his stool as the elder went upstairs.

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