Nightmares (namjin)

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Seokjin had dealt with nightmares for as long as he could remember. He usually woke up in a puddle of sweat, his throat sore. Namjoon spent countless hours talking him down over the phone, they developed a post-nightmare ritual to help.

Jin rubbed his eyes and folded the blanket away as he stood. He glanced back. Namjoon snored gently, comfortable under the comforter. The elder made his way to the bathroom and started the shower. He stripped as the water warmed, and stepped in. He rinsed and soaped up, then rinsed again and stepped out. Gently resting his forehead on the cool tile, Jin turned off the water and sighed.

"Why does this happen?" He ran the towel over his skin before wrapping it around himself. Jin stepped out of the bathroom and came face to face with Namjoon.

"Did you have another one?" Jin nodded.

"Okay, let's get you into bed." The younger placed a warm hand on his lower back and steered him toward the bed.

"Wait-b- I need to get dressed." Namjoon smiled and shook his head.

"Relax, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before." Tugging away the towel, Namjoon helped the elder into bed. He took off his own clothes and slipped under the covers beside him. The younger slipped an arm around Jin's waist and tucked him under his chin.

"What was your dream about, hm?'' Jin sighed. This was always the hardest part. Over the years, talking about Jin's nightmares proved draining and unnecessary. So instead to help Jin forget the bad dream he would invent a positive dream to talk about instead.

"I was riding an eagle and flying way above the city."

" Really? That sounds amazing."

"It was. The view was incredible. I could see every color imaginable, and..." Namjoon gently trailed his fingertips over the elder's back, waiting for him to continue.

"And everyone looked like ants driving little toy cars." He pressed closer, craving the comfort of skinship. The younger held him tightly, playing with his hair until fell back asleep.

I stayed home sick from school today so i decided to write a bit since i've been m.i.a

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