A Small Favor (jinmin)

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Jin stacked the used dishes next to the already full sink, before rushing down the hallway to get dressed. Coming back in a suit and tie, Jimin wishes him luck before he leaves for his job interview. The younger smiles, heading back inside and washing the dishes. After drying them and putting them away, he pulls out the vacuum. 

Jimin took a step back. Letting out a breath, he looked over the apartment one last time. It was perfectly clean and put together. He had just straightened the couch pillows when Jin trudged through the door.

"How did it go?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I guess we'll see when they call." The elder hung up his coat and slipped off his boots. He rolled up his sleeves and prepared to take care of the dishes. But he stopped short.

"But I-" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Hurry and shower, hyung. I want to have a movie night." Jin walked into the bathroom to find the otherwise cluttered counter clean and shining. 

40 minutes later, he arrived in the living room dressed in loose pajamas. Jimin already had a bowl of popcorn waiting on the table and a movie ready to go. The elder relaxed into the spot next to him. Throwing him a small smile, Jimin curled into Jin's side, resting the popcorn in his lap. 

"Let's go to bed early today. You've had a lot going on lately."

"That's the best thing I've heard all day."

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