Ch. 43 Secrets & Lies

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July 1st, 1985The Byers Residence

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July 1st, 1985
The Byers Residence

I woke up the next morning in my bedroom alone, the right side of my bed empty and cold, just like so many nights before now.

I couldn't tell what it meant. I thought we had fixed this? But maybe there was more that we should have talked about?

Maybe there is no fixing this? You can't unbreak something, and this relationship is far from perfect.


Last Night

Steve awkwardly sat on my bed while I stood in front of him. Once we had entered the room his whole demeanor changed.

He sat on the edge of my bed, hands laced tightly together while he stared down at his lap, obviously avoiding my gaze. "Steve?" I carefully placed my hands on his shoulders comfortingly but he remained silent. "What's been going on with you?" I questioned him lightly, trying to show him that I wasn't upset anymore.

"Nothings been going on?" He mumbled out, quickly unlacing his hands to place them on my waist, staring up at me with a confused gaze cast over his hazel eyes.

"Steve, seriously. I'm not mad or upset, promise. But you've been acting differently all summer." I just wanted to know why he had started acting so different around me, he'd been acting weird since graduation.

"It's hard to explain..." He looked back down at his lap. "Does it have to do with what you and Robin talk about?" I questioned softly, placing a hand under his chin so that his eyes could reach mine again.

"I've noticed you two whispering around me... You know you can talk to me, right? There shouldn't be secrets between us." God that came out more needy and jealous than I wanted it to.

"I'm a failure, Nell."

"What?" The look in Steve's eyes broke my heart, I'd never seen him look so sad yet sincere all at the same time.

"I'm a failure. That's the big secret." He pulled his hands away from my waist before rubbing them over his face exhaustively. "You're not a failure, Steve. You're working so hard to provide for yourself, it doesn't mean you failed at anything."

"I'm a liar and failure, Nell. I didn't choose to work at Scoops, my own father wouldn't even hire me." He finally dropped the truth, something that he had been holding back all summer for some reason, but that didn't make sense to me.

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