Ch. 15 In Other Words...

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March 26th, 1986Hawkins, Indiana Forest Hills Trailer Park

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March 26th, 1986
Hawkins, Indiana
Forest Hills Trailer Park

He didn't understand what was happening at first; it all happened so fast. She'd just let go of his hand and offered him one last reassuring grin before seizing up in her place. They were right there- "Nell? Nell, come on... Come on, wake up!" Steve carefully shook the girl in her place, placing both hands on her cheeks as he tried to pull her out of the trance she had fallen in.

"What's wrong?" Dustin called out from the other side as he stood on top of the mattress, staring up at the two teens to watch as Steve continued to try and shake Nell awake.

Coming to stand next to the boy, Max shook her head with a sad frown quickly spreading over her lips. "Vecna..." She mumbled as Steve finally looked up to the group, "Music-- We need music! Mayfield, throw me your walkman!" He called out, stepping away from Nell's twitching form and reaching a hand up to the miniature gate. "No! No, we're not throwing anything! We can't risk breaking it." Lucas called out, stopping the redhead from unclipping the cassette player from her belt.

"Do we even know what she listens to?" Max questioned with a furrowed brow, thinking over the few cassettes she had stashed in her book bag. "Wheeler... Buckley," Eddie called out suddenly before nodding towards his room. "You know what she likes, think you could find something from my collection?" He questioned as the two quickly moved past him. "Where do you keep your cassettes?" Nancy called out over her shoulder as she opened the door to his room.

Coughing awkwardly at the messy state of his room, Eddie nodded with a frown. "They're kinda everywhere..." He mumbled before moving to help them look. "Wait, wait! Munson, gonna need your help here!" Steve yelled, stopping the teen before he could follow the two. "Sinclair, you too... I need you guys to help me get her out of here." He called out, looking around the destroyed trailer they stood in, his eyes quickly landing on a chair that's wood had begun to rot away before dragging it under the gate.

Snapping his fingers in her face, he watched with a frown as her eyelids continued to flicker, twitching open and closed to reveal the foreign icy blue color of her irises. "What's the plan here exactly?" Eddie called out as Lucas mimicked Steve's actions, the chair wobbling in its place on the mattress. "There isn't one but I'm not leaving her down here for another minute, got it?" He called out, carefully picking the girl up, struggling slightly as her joints stayed locked in place.

"It's gonna be okay... You're okay..." He whispered, his grip tightening on her body as her shaking began to worsen. "I'm gonna lift her up, Sinclair you'll pull her the rest of the way through, and... Munson, just help him ease her down." He instructed as he moved to stand on the chair, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist before hoisting her up towards the gate. Lucas reached up to grab her, trying his hardest to keep his balance on the chair while Eddie awkwardly held his arms out in front of the freshman.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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