Ch. 44 The Vents

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July 2nd, 1985The Byers Residence

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July 2nd, 1985
The Byers Residence

   "Byers residence." I yawned into the phone as I picked it up. It was far too early in the morning for it to be Will or Jon, I assumed that maybe it was mom since she had decided to go for a second night of staying somewhere else that wasn't home.

   After Will's breakdown, he and the boys had decided to go back to Mike's house to devise a plan to take down the Mind Flayer yet again, while I had the most terrifying job of all. Babysitting.

   "Eleanor, hi! It's Mrs. Sinclair." The woman's kind voice drifted through the phone, hitting me like a tone of bricks and instantly waking me up. "Mrs. Sinclair! Hi, is everything okay? Am I late? I'm so sorry, I'll be right over." I instantly assumed as I looked down at my watch fearfully.

   "No worries, hon. Actually, I wanted to let you know that Lucas said he could watch Erica today."

   Letting out a sigh of relief, I nodded along slowly before quickly realizing that the woman couldn't see the movement. "Oh, okay. Is everything alright?" I questioned as I toyed with the cord of the phone.

   Please tell me this isn't her way of firing me. I worried as I awaited her response.

   "Yes, of course... It's just that, money has been a little tight..." She explained over the phone sadly. I knew she felt bad by the tone of her voice, which made me feel guilty for even charging her at all. She was after all like family. But I need the money for college let alone to help mom with the house.

    "Right..." I started as I tried to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes, jeez why am I so sensitive. "I completely understand. Thank you for letting me know in advance." I quickly spoke on the phone before she disconnected me.

   "Shit..." I mumbled to myself as I rubbed my eyes with my fist. "There goes another job." I whispered to myself, this wasn't my first babysitting gig. I had two at the end of the school year when I had my free period at the end of the day. But those quickly got ended because of scheduling and money. Maybe I'm just a bad babysitter.

   The phone rang on the receiver again, bringing my hopes up as I quickly answered it. "Mrs. Sinclair?" I questioned hopefully into the speaker.

   "Code Red. I repeat, Code Red." Dustin yelled from the other side of the phone, causing my shoulders to slump slightly. "Didn't Steve ban me from whatever it is you guys are doing?" I questioned with a frown as I leaned my head against the wall sadly.

   "Doesn't matter, I'll explain everything once you get here." He started from the other side. "Yeah, I don't know, Dusty. Steve was pretty severe yesterday."

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