Ch. 50 Truth Will Set You Free

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July 4th, 1985Unground Russian Base

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July 4th, 1985
Unground Russian Base

Tsking teasingly to himself, the Russian Colonel examined the passed-out girl with a smirk before turning to the only conscious hostage as she continued to struggle against the guards as they tied her down. "Nell! Nell, can you hear me?" Robin yelled out, her nerves getting the best of her when she didn't get a response.

"I think your friends need a doctor..." He sighed before dropping Nell's head onto the table with a harsh smack. Approaching the girl, the Colonel crouched down so that his face and Robin's had only a few inches of space between them. "Good thing... We have the very best."He said with a dark chuckle, the guards surrounding him following after him.


"Help! Help!" Robin knew it was useless to keep screaming for help, after all, her earlier pleas had been left unanswered and she had no reason to believe help was coming. But she couldn't just give up all hope that easily.

"Help!" She yelled out, pushing against the restraints that confined her, only to earn a groan in response from the bloodied and bruised boy that was tied up in the chair behind her, their backs pressed harshly against one another. "Hey, would you stop yelling?" He mumbled weakly, his head lolling to the side after trying to sit up, only earning him a painful head rush.

Robin released a relieved gasp as she tried to turn around in her chair. "Steve! Oh my God..." She waited for a response but the boy stayed quiet, still limp in his chair. "Steve? Are-are you okay?" She questioned, still trying to get a good look at him.

Steve released a dry chuckle, a groan following soon after. "My ears are ringing, I can't really breathe, and my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good." He finished sarcastically, still staring down at his bloodied tennis shoes.

"Well, the good news is that they're calling you and Nell a doctor..." Robin chuckled, the words felt cruel even when they came out of her mouth. Steve stirred in his chair, struggling to pick his head up but as soon as he did he was greeted by Nellie's passed-out form, she was tied down to a surgical table and wasn't moving.

"Oh, God... Nell!" Steve struggled against his restraints as a new kind of pain washed over him. "I know... I tried to help but she wouldn't stop fighting." Robin sighed, searching the room to see if there was anything that could help them out of the situation they found themselves in. "Oh my God..." Steve continued to worry, at this point hyperventilating.

"I know... I know... But, Steve? We can get out of this, okay? Do you see that table over there to your right?" She quickly hatched a plan as her eyes landed on a pair of surgical scissors not far from them.

Steve looked to his left to see what she was talking about, "No, your other right." She sighed before Steve looked over his shoulder. "You see those scissors?" She questioned, Steve quickly humming in response. "Well, I think if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap." She explained.

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