Ch. 6 The Stalker

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November 9th, 1983
Hawkins High School

I sat on the counter behind Jonathan as he began to develop almost a dozen photos, though he insisted on concealing what they contained from my view.

"So what are they exactly?" I questioned finally, having quickly gotten bored with looking down at my hands. "Hmm?" Was Jonathan's only response as he continued to develop one of the blank pages. "The pictures? Why couldn't you just develop them in class?" I asked and jumped from my place on the counter to get a closer look at them. Though he was quick to move in my way and block the images with his body. "They're private..." He muttered and tried to usher me away. 

   Assuming that he was just being humble, I scoffed lightly before shooting him a reassuring smile. "Jonathan, chill. Seriously, they can't be that bad." I spoke softly as I peered past his shoulder to get a look at the mysterious photos. "Wait... Jonathan what are these?" I asked and picked up a photo that captured Nancy, Barb and I walking into the backyard of the party from last night. "Did you follow us to Harringtons' party?"

"It isn't what you think Nellie, I promise. I was just looking for Will and found you guys instead..." He went in front of the pictures again and stared down at me with a pleading look. "Please don't tell anyone." Looking between the photos and my brother, I slowly began to nod in response. I knew Jonathan didn't have any ill-intent but that wouldn't change how others viewed him. "I promise, but why did you take them? There's gotta be a reason?" 

Moving out of the way, Jonathan turned to look at one of the photos he had captured of Nancy sitting alone. "She just looked so vulnerable. You just can't capture art like that naturally-- I know, that sounds weirder than I meant." "Very. So then why did you take the other photos?" I asked as most of the other pictures weren't focused on Nancy but on all the teens playing in the pool or laughing and talking.

"Maybe I took them out of envy? You know, seeing other kids our age not going through the same situation of events as us. They're just so carefree and happy." He glared slightly at the photos of the teens before beginning to develop the remaining pictures.

Once he had finished the development he hung them up to dry on the line when the curtain that connected to the room slid open to reveal another girl in our grade, Nicole.

"Oh, hey Nicole.." I muttered and stood in front of some of the photos, Jonathan doing the same. Though Nicole still caught a glimpse of a few of the photos, her kind smile quickly fell from her face as she scanned her eyes over the few uncovered photos.

Jonathan quickly ripped them down, pulling them away from her sight. Pushing the photos into his bag, he practically ran out of the red room, "Bye Nicole." I quickly muttered as the two of us left behind a confused and freaked-out Nicole.

"I should go back and explain myself..." Jonathan spoke quickly as we made our way down the deserted hallway. "She wouldn't get it, I have next period with her so I'll just tell her to keep it quiet. Maybe she didn't see anything." I tried to sound confident only to be shut down by Jonathan. "Doubt that."


Walking towards my next period I spotted Nicole talking to Steve and his friends, the look on his face wasn't a pleasant one. Just as I went to turn back around the corner to instead take the long way to class, Steve spotted me but thankfully didn't say a word.

After rushing to class and just barely making it before the bell rang, I sat in the back tapping my foot at an ungodly speed as I kept my eyes glued on the empty chair in front of me that belonged to Barb.

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