Ch. 11 Making Things With Light

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March 26th, 1986The Upside DownanaidnI ,snikwaH

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March 26th, 1986
The Upside Down
anaidnI ,snikwaH

Grabbing onto the small edge of the crater that rested at the bottom of the lake, I turned to look between Nancy, Robin, and Eddie before pulling myself through the opening. Taking in a deep breath, I quickly regretted the action as the debris that floated in the air burned my throat and only caused me to cough. Stumbling up from my place, my eyes scanned over the desolate landscape that surrounded me. Large, grotesque veins decorated the bottom of a now drained Lover's Lake while a blood-red sky stared down at me.

A strangled scream broke through the air as Nancy climbed into the Upside Down, followed closely by Robin and Eddie. Separating myself from the group, I ran in the direction of the scream to find that three creatures held Steve down while more began to swarm above him. One of the creatures held Steve down by his neck, what looked to be a tail constricted his throat while the other two chewed away at his sides

His feet kicked into the hard stone below us, not far from him rested an abandoned oar. Not wanting to waste another second, I ran to pick up the oar before swinging it down on the creature that ate into his left side. "Hey there..." I mumbled as Eddie grabbed a second oar before swinging it down on the other creature.

Slamming the end of my oar into the demo creature that strangled Steve, it screeched in protest, calling down the others that surrounded us. "Nancy!" I screamed, quickly throwing the girl my oar as they surrounded her before dropping to the ground to avoid the bat that swooped down at me, narrowly avoiding its claws.

Glaring down at the bat that continued to tighten its grip on Steve's throat, I fumbled with my jacket before quickly pulling out my pocketknife, clicking it open as I gripped onto the creature's tail. "Screw. Off." I seethed, ripping the blade through its flesh before unwrapping the remaining tail.

"Nell behind you!" A voice screamed out as something sharp dug into my shoulder blades pulling me up from my place beside Steve as he struggled to breathe, dropping my knife out of shock, I clawed at the creature that continued to drag me away from Steve, barely giving him the chance to grab onto me.

Pulling himself off the ground, Steve latched a hand onto my wrist as I reached out to him before grabbing onto the tail of the bat and yanking it off of me. Falling to the ground, I groaned lightly before searching for my knife while Steve slammed the creature into the ground repeatedly as it struggled to fly away.

Moving to help Steve with the bat, he held a hand out to stop me before placing his foot on top of the neck of the creature and ripping its body in the opposite direction. Dropping the remaining half of the bat, Steve took a moment to spit out the blood that had pooled in his mouth before looking up at the group with his chest heaving.

"Steve, oh my God..." I whispered, quickly pulling him to face me while the group struggled to catch their breath. "Jesus H. Christ!" Eddie screamed, throwing his now broken and bloody oar onto the ground. "Don't touch it-" I mumbled, slapping Steve's hand away from the broken skin that revealed the missing chunks of flesh.

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